different types of poisonous or edible mushrooms - mushroom benefits

different types of poisonous or edible mushrooms – mushroom benefits

different types of poisonous or edible mushrooms which types are edible, which types are poisonous

Where did it come from?

We will tell you most of the edible and poisonous types, and some of mushroom’s benefits.


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Mushroom history:

Edible mushroom species have been found in association with 13,000-year-old archaeological sites in Chile. Ötzi, the mummy of a man who lived between 3400 and 3100 BCE in Europe, was found with two types of mushrooms. The Chinese value mushrooms for supposed medicinal properties as well as for food.

different types of poisonous or edible mushrooms - mushroom benefits

different types of poisonous or edible mushrooms ,  which types are edible which types are poisonous :

When we see a mushroom, the first thing we ask ourselves, is this mushroom edible ?

Therefore, we want to introduce you, 18 popular types of edible mushrooms.

Cremini Mushrooms

Morel Mushrooms

Shiitake Mushrooms

Oyster Mushrooms

King Oyster Mushrooms

Lion’s Mane Mushrooms

Enoki Mushrooms

White Button Mushrooms

Portobello Mushrooms

Porcini Mushrooms

Maitake Mushrooms

Matsutake Mushrooms

Reishi Mushrooms

Giant Puffball Mushrooms

Buna Shimeji Mushrooms

Pepeao (Jew’s Ear)

Straw Mushrooms

Chanterelle Mushrooms

So, these 18 types of mushrooms are safe to eat.

As well as edible types, there are many poisonous types, which we mention, some of them below.

Death Cap (Amanita phalloides)

Conocybe filaris

Webcaps (Cortinarius species)

Autumn Skullcap (Galerina marginata)

Destroying Angels (Amanita species)

Podostroma cornu-damae

Deadly Dapperling (Lepiota brunneoincarnata)


mushroom benefits :

Now we want to tell you some of the mushroom benefits :

They Have Cancer-fighting Properties

Mushrooms Are Immunity-boosters

They Help Lower Cholesterol

They are High in B and D Vitamins

Mushrooms Have Anti-inflammatory Powers

Magic Mushrooms May Help Cancer Patients

They Could Help Fight Aging .


mushroom nutrition facts:


Nutrition Value per 100 gram white mushroom
Energy22 kcalVitamin A0.00 IU0%Calcium3.00 mg0%
Carbohydrates3.3 gVitamin B60.104mg8%Copper0.318 mg35%
sugars2 gVitamin C2.1 mg2%Iron0.50 mg3%
Dietary fiber1 gVitamin E0.01 mg0%Magnesium9.00 mg2%
Fat0.3 gVitamin K0.0 μg0%Manganese0.047 mg2%
Protein3.1 gVitamin D0.20 μg1%Potassium318.00 mg7%
Water92.45 gSodium5.00 mg0%
Zinc0.52 mg5%





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