strawberry cake

Strawberry pie & juice recipe & ...

Strawberry pie & juice recipe + different types of strawberries + how to plant

strawberry types & strawberry pie recipe information is provided here.

Is it strawberry fruit or vegetable?

How do strawberries are grown?

We are here to answer these questions and lots of others and give you lots of information about this tiny delicious fruit. Strawberry pie & juice recipe & …

we export strawberry

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What you should know about the strawberries:

Strawberries are so varied they only need sun, shelter, and fertility. Avoid areas prone to frost and soils that had previously grown potatoes, chrysanthemums, or tomatoes because they are all prone to the disease of verticillium wilt.

How to plant strawberries:

Prepare your ground by digging in two buckets of well-rotted manure or garden compost per square meter. Add a general-purpose fertilizer such as Grow More at 100g per square meter.

Measure out planting holes 35cm apart. Space rows 75cm apart. Dig out a hole large enough to accommodate the roots. Trim the roots lightly to 10cm if necessary, then spread them out in the hole. Ensure that the base of the crown rests lightly on the surface before firming in gently. Planting at the correct depth is important. If the strawberry seed is planted not enough depth the plants will dry out and die. Water the plants in the well.

If planting in the autumn or early spring, remove the first flush of flowers of perpetual strawberries but remove flowers of summer strawberries only if the plants are weak.

If you’ve planted cold-stored runners in late spring to early summer, leave the flowers on. These will produce strawberries in 60 days, reverting to their natural cropping period the following year.

Strawberries are traditionally grown in rows directly into garden soil. In poor soils grow in raised beds, which improves drainage and increases rooting depth. Alternatively, try growing in containers or growing bags.

Covering the strawberry plant:

Protecting strawberry plants from winter’s cold temperatures is vital to ensure a crop of juicy berries next year.

When winter has arrived, strawberry plants have already set blossoms for next spring’s flowers. Temperatures below -9.5 can damage those new tiny blossoms and diminish your berry crop next year. This is why it’s vital to cover the strawberry plants and protect them from the cold air.

Another reason to protect plants is that when soil repeatedly freezes and melts, it tends to push plants up. This process is called heaving and puts plants at risk.

Preparing strawberry plants for the winter involves fertilizer over plants so they’re not exposed to the cold winter air. Strawberry pie & juice recipe & …

To winterize strawberry plants, heap a loose mulch over plants to a depth of 7.6 to 12.5 centimeters. Strawberry pie & juice recipe & …


 Is it strawberry fruit or vegetable?

One question we are always asking ourselves is what berries are.

Berries are fruits that originate from one flower with one ovary, which has lots of seeds. Surprisingly, strawberries and blueberries are not berries at all. Bananas, eggplants, tomatoes, and pomegranates are berries. And all berries are fruits. To conclude that is clear that strawberry is not a vegetable.

strawberry types :

Summer-fruiting varieties:

have the largest fruit. They have a short but heavy cropping period over two or three weeks. There are early, mid-, and late fruiting cultivars cropping from early to mid-summer.

Perpetual strawberries:

sometimes called ever bearers – produce small flashes of fruits from early summer to early autumn. The crops are not so heavy as the summer-fruiting ones and the fruits are smaller, with the plants less likely to produce runners. Perpetual strawberries are useful for extending the season.


Nutrition Facts:

You can also check strawberry nutrition facts in the table below:

Nutrition Value per 100 g strawberry
Energy32 kcalVitamin A12.00 IU0%Calcium16.00 mg1%
Carbohydrates7.7 gVitamin B60.047 mg4%Copper0.048 mg5%
sugars4.9 gVitamin C58.8 mg65%Iron0.41 mg2%
Dietary fiber2 gVitamin E0.29 mg1%Magnesium13.00 mg3%
Total Fat0.3 gVitamin K2.2 μg2%Manganese0.386 mg17%
Protein0.7 gPotassium153 mg3%
Water90.95 gSodium1.00 mg0%

Strawberry Pie recipe:

Now we want to teach you how to cook a delicious homemade strawberry pie.



2 ½ cups all-purpose flour

½ cup frozen strawberries

1 teaspoon salt

1 tablespoon granulated sugar

14 tablespoons cold unsalted butter, cut into cubes

Ice cold water

1 large egg, beaten with 1 tablespoon milk for egg wash

Sugar powder for sprinkling


5-6 cups fresh strawberries

Zest and juice of a 1/2 lemon

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

1/4 teaspoon almond extract

½ cup granulated sugar

1/3 cup brown sugar

¼ cup cornstarch

a pinch of salt

¼ teaspoon ground ginger


  1. Prepare ½ cup ice-cold water and keep it in the fridge. In a food processor, pulse flour, dried strawberries, sugar, and salt. Add in half of the butter and pulse for 30 seconds. Add in the rest of the butter and pulse until the mixture looks like a coarse meal.
  2. Pour about 6 tablespoons of cold water over the mixture and pulse until the dough comes together in a fist. If dry, add a little bit more water (1 tablespoon at a time) until the dough comes together.
  3. Remove the dough from the processor and bring it together. Divide dough into two parts; one slightly bigger than the other and wrap it in plastic wrap. Chill for at least an hour or, it is better overnight.
  4. Let stand at room temperature for a few minutes before rolling out.
  5. Roll out a larger disk on a lightly floured surface to a large circle. Fit into an ungreased 9-inch pie dish, trim the edges leaving an inch or two overhangs. Refrigerate for 30 minutes.
  6. In a medium bowl, toss the strawberries with zest and lemon juice, vanilla extract, and almond extract. Toss in sugars, cornstarch, salt, and ground ginger then make sure strawberries are well covered, and cornstarch disappears. Let sit for at least 10 minutes.
  7. Spoon the strawberries into the pie crust, making sure you pile it high in the center.
  8. Roll out the second dough and cut it into strips to create a lattice top. If you have a pastry wheel, it is perfect for this.
  9. Crimp the edges of the strips with a fork.
  10. Whisk egg and 1 tablespoon milk in a small bowl. Brush the top of the pie with egg wash and then sprinkle with sugar. Chill for 15-30 minutes.
  11. Preheat oven to 190 degrees Celsius. Place the pie dish on a baking sheet and bake for 50-60 minutes or until the crust is golden brown and the filling is bubbly.
  12. Let pie cool for at least 2-3 hours before serving.
  13. The last step is to enjoy this satisfying pie.

Strawberry juice:

Another recipe, which is healthy and easy to make is strawberry juice.

It also is full of Vitamin C and antioxidants.

Preparation time: 5 minutes


2 cups ripe strawberries

A quarter lime juice, which is optional

1 tablespoon sugar, which is optional too

2 ice cubes

Half of a strawberry



  1. Wash strawberries, then remove the stem and cut them into small pieces.
  2. Add strawberries, sugar, and lime juice into a blender.
  3. Blend the mix until it becomes a puree. add water and blend again for a minute.
  4. Place a mesh strainer over a large container and pour prepared juice over it to remove the foam results during blending.
  5. Add one ice cube to each of the glasses and pour sweet and sour fresh strawberry fruit juice over it.

Iran Fresh Fruit Company 

what is fiber ? and how much fiber is in an apple ?

what is fiber ? and how much fiber is in an apple ?

how much fiber is in an apple? we are going to answer this question for you.

Do apples have fiber?

On top of their energy-revving carb, health-promoting antioxidant, and immunity-fostering vitamin C content, the magic of apples also comes from a different source: their fiber. What’s so special about this macronutrient? Besides helping us to stay “regular,” dietary fiber is also a powerful hunger zapper. By filling you up, slowing the rate at which you digest the rest of your food, and keeping your blood sugar levels stable which maintains more consistent energy levels high-fiber foods keep your hunger pangs from creeping up as often, which can significantly aid weight loss efforts.
As a bonus, certain fibers can cling to dietary toxins, including cholesterol, and help eliminate them from your body. The result? A lower risk of heart disease and a longer life! Although immensely beneficial, apples aren’t the only way you can improve regularity and satiety to help blast fat. We’ve found several unsung superfoods that pack even more of this belly-flattening nutrient than an apple.
Fiber is incredibly important. It leaves your stomach undigested and ends up in your colon, where it feeds friendly gut bacteria, leading to various health benefits. certain types of fiber may also promote weight loss, lower blood sugar levels, and fight constipation. the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics recommends consuming about 14 grams of fiber for every 1,000 calories you consume daily. This translates to roughly 24 grams of fiber for women and 38 grams for men.
Unfortunately, an estimated 95% of American adults and children don’t meet the recommended daily fiber intake. In America, the average daily fiber intake is estimated to be 16.2 grams.

What is fiber

Fiber is a blanket term that applies to any type of carbohydrate that your body can’t digest. The fact your body doesn’t use fiber for fuel doesn’t make it less valuable to your overall health.
We can offer the following benefits when you consume it :
• Reducing cholesterol: Fiber’s presence in the digestive tract can help reduce the body’s cholesterol absorption. This is especially true if you take statins, which are medications to lower cholesterol, and use fiber supplements like psyllium fiber.
• Promoting a healthy weight: High-fiber foods like fruits and vegetables tend to be lower in calories. Also, fiber’s presence can slow digestion in the stomach to help you feel fuller for longer.
• Adding bulk to the digestive tract: Those who struggle with constipation or a generally sluggish digestive tract may wish to add fiber to their diet. Fiber naturally adds bulk to the digestive tract, as your body doesn’t digest it. This stimulates the intestines.
• Promoting blood sugar control: It can take your body longer to break down high-fiber foods. This helps you maintain more consistent blood sugar levels, which is especially helpful for those with diabetes.
• Reducing gastrointestinal cancer risk: Eating enough fiber can have protective effects against certain cancer types, including colon cancer. There are many reasons for this, including that some types of fiber, such as the pectin in apples, may have antioxidant-like properties.

Fiber offers many health benefits, but it’s important to incorporate fiber-containing foods gradually over a few days to avoid adverse effects, such as bloating and gas. Drinking plenty of water while you up your fiber intake may also help keep these symptoms at bay.

Here are some high-fiber foods that are both healthy and satisfying :

how much fiber is in an apple? Apples have 2.4 grams of fiber

Apples are not only an easily portable snack, but they’re also powerful fat fighters. doctors say that they’re a great snack for people with diabetes and insulin resistance because of their high fiber content, which will help to slow blood sugar spikes. Oh, be sure to leave the skin on. Without doing so, you’ll only consume a mere 2.1 grams of dietary fiber for the same-sized apple. Apples are among the tastiest and most satisfying fruits you can eat. They are also relatively high in fiber. We especially like them in salads(in some countries).
Fiber content: 4.4 grams in a medium-sized, raw apple, or 2.4 grams per 100 grams.

what is fiber ? and how much fiber is in an apple ?

Raspberries have 6.5 grams of fiber

raspberries are highly nutritious with a very strong flavor. They’re loaded with vitamin C and manganese. Try blending some into this raspberry tarragon dressing.
Fiber content: One cup of raw raspberries contains 8 grams of fiber or 6.5 grams per 100 grams.

Bananas have 2.6 grams fiber

bananas are a good source of many nutrients, including vitamin C, vitamin B6, and potassium.
A green or unripe banana also contains a significant amount of resistant starch, a type of indigestible carbohydrate that functions like fiber. Try them in a nut butter sandwich for a hit of protein, too.
Fiber content: 3.1 grams in a medium-sized banana, or 2.6 grams per 100 grams.

Dark chocolates have 10.9 grams of fiber

dark chocolate is arguably one of the world’s most delicious foods. It’s also surprisingly high in nutrients and one of the most antioxidant- and nutrient-rich foods on the planet. Just make sure to choose dark chocolate that has a cocoa content of 70–95% or higher and avoid products that are loaded with added sugar.
Fiber content: 3.1 grams in a 1-ounce piece of 70–85% cacao, or 10.9 grams per 100 grams.…e-strawberry-jam

Popcorn has 14.4 grams of fiber

If your goal is to increase your fiber intake, popcorn may be the best snack you can eat. Air-popped popcorn is very high in fiber, calories for calories. However, if you add a lot of fat, the fiber-to-calorie ratio will decrease significantly.
Fiber content: 1.15 grams per cup of air-popped popcorn, or 14.4 grams per 100 grams.

Strawberries have 2 grams of fiber

strawberries are a delicious, healthy option that can be eaten fresh. Interestingly, they’re also among the most nutrient-dense fruits you can eat, boasting loads of vitamin C, manganese, and various powerful antioxidants. Try some in this banana strawberry smoothie.
Fiber content : 3 grams in 1 cup of fresh strawberries, or 2 grams per 100 grams.
Avocado has 6.7 grams of fiber
The avocado is a unique fruit. Instead of being high in carbs, it’s loaded with healthy fats. Avocados are very high in vitamin C, potassium, magnesium, vitamin E, and various B vitamins. They also have numerous health benefits. Try them in one of these delicious avocado recipes.
Fiber content: 10 grams in 1 cup of raw avocado, or 6.7 grams per 100 grams.

Iran Fresh Fruit company 

health benefits or types of iranian cherry iran cherry introduction

Iranian cherry

Iranian Cherry’s info is provided here.

Cherry Iran 


Cherries are stone fruits with a central seed that is surrounded by fleshy fruit with a diameter of about 3cm. The Cherry fruit is a bright shiny red or purple color externally with very thin skin. The Iranian cherry fruit known as Gilas is native to Central Iran and grown in other regions too. Cherries were part of soldiers’ rations, and as they traveled, the pits they discarded became the trees that proliferated throughout the empire. There was a saying that to find the old Roman roads, all one had to do was follow the wild cherry trees. Most cherry species are native to the Northern Hemisphere, where they are widely grown. Some 10 to 12 species are recognized in North America and a similar number in Europe. The greatest concentration of species, however, appears to be in eastern Asia. The native habitat of the species from which the cultivated cherries came is believed to be western Asia and Eastern Europe from the Caspian Sea to the Balkans.

Iranian cherry
Iranian cherry

Iranian Cherry

Cherry fruit cultivation is widespread throughout Iran, and Turkey, the United States, and Iran are the largest producers of cherries in the world.

Cherry fruit harvest time will be late in June, and it will last for 70 to 80 days.

Types of cherries in Iran 

  • Mashhad begging cherry (Tak Daneh)
  • White Cherry of Urmia
  • Urmia red cherries
  • Qazvin Black Cherry

As well as red cherries of Neyshabur, Shahryar, Karaj, Lavasan, etc.

Packing for export 

Depending on the size or caliber, the cherries in Iran can be sorted and packaged manually or automatically. It can be packaged and exported in plastic baskets with different weights and in cartons inside Nano bags.

7 Health Benefits Of Cherries

It’s the cherry season again! They’re fresh, plentiful, beautiful, and delicious, but, you may be wondering if are cherries actually that good for you. The answer is yes, 100 times yes! Cherries are not only one of the healthiest fruits, they also rank as one of the most health-protective foods overall. One cup, or about 21 cherries, contains less than 100 calories and 15% of your daily vitamin C needs. But here are seven more reasons why this stone fruit is a nutritional all-star and an easy way to eat more cherries year-round

  • Cherries are full of antioxidants
  • They protect against diabetes
  • They promote healthy sleep
  • They can provide arthritis relief
  • They lower the risk of gout attacks and curb cholesterol-They reduce post-exercise pain


Cherry Nutrition Benefits 

One portion of cherries contains 97 calories, 25 grams of carbohydrates, and 20 grams of sugar.


One of the benefits of cherries is their fiber content. With 3 grams of fiber, cherries provide 13 percent of the recommended daily amount. Fiber promotes digestion, prevents constipation, and aids in weight loss.


Cherries contain 10.8 milligrams of Vitamin C. This vitamin is necessary for the collagen formation of bones, blood, muscle, and blood vessels and helps the body absorb iron. The fruit also contains beta carotene and provides low amounts of vitamin K, vitamin B-6, and vitamin A.


The potassium level of cherries is 342 milligrams or 10 percent of the daily recommended intake. Potassium helps the heart and kidneys function properly and supports the body’s digestive and muscular systems. Cherries also contain some copper, manganese, magnesium, iron, calcium, phosphorus, and zinc.

health benefits or types of iranian cherry iran cherry introduction

Health benefits of cherries – Iranian cherry benefits

 Iranian cherries facilitate weight loss

If you are planning to shed some weight, don’t forget to add cherries to your diet. Cherries are low in calories which means that around a cup of cherries would be less than 100 calories. They are rich in vitamins that strengthen your metabolism and have a moderate water content that flushes out the toxins from your body.

Iranian cherries promote healthy sleep

Tart cherries in particular are one of the few food sources of melatonin, a hormone that helps control your sleep-wake cycles. One study in men and women with insomnia found that compared to a placebo, eight ounces of tart cherry juice in the morning and again one to two hours before bed increased sleep time by an hour and 24 minutes.

cherries protect against diabetes

The anti-inflammatory effect of cherries helps keep your body healthy; but what’s more, cherries rank lower than many fruits on the glycemic index. That means they don’t trigger spikes and crashes in your blood sugar and insulin levels. This makes them both protective against diabetes and important for managing the condition if you already have it

cherries reduce post-exercise pain

In other words, cherries can make that post-HIIT workout soreness less intense. They also protect against cellular wear and tear from exercise and help support muscle recovery. For this reason, tart cherry juice is popular with professional and competitive athletes. But it can help anyone who’s regularly active.

Iranian cherries can provide arthritis relief

Several studies have suggested that cherry consumption is beneficial for osteoarthritis sufferers. Regularly incorporating cherries or 100% cherry juice into your meal or snack routine may help lessen your joint pain.

They lower the risk of gout attacks

Over eight million adults in the U.S. suffer from gout. This inflammatory arthritis is triggered when a waste product called uric acid crystallizes within the joints, causing excruciating pain and swelling. In one study, gout patients who consumed cherries for just two days (both the fresh fruit, as well as cherry extract and juice) showed a 35% lower risk of gout attacks compared to those who did not eat cherries.

They have Anti-Ageing Properties

Struggling with your dull and lifeless locks? Cherries contain Vitamin B, Vitamin, and Vitamin C that prevent hair damage and breakage and keep the scalp hydrated. Vitamin C also imparts a natural glow to your skin

They Promote Healthy Locks

Struggling with your dull and lifeless locks? Cherries contain Vitamin B, Vitamin, and Vitamin C that prevent hair damage and breakage and keep the scalp hydrated. Vitamin C also imparts a natural glow to your skin.

Annual Production in Iran: About  100,000 MT
Main Production Areas: Tehran, Azerbaijan, Qazvin, Khorasan, Alborz

Varieties: Tieton, Tartarian
Skin Color: Dark & Red
Inside-Color: Red
Taste: Sweet                                                                        Season: from Jun to August

Recommended Transit Temperature : 0 C
Desired Transit Humidity percent: 90 to 95

1.1 Kg (GW), 1 Kg (NW) : 25mm-30mm

Iran fresh fruit company

benefits of Date kernel powder or date seed powder and how to use it

benefits of Date kernel powder or date seed powder and how to use it

Date kernel powder is healthy nutrition, that is used widely around the world. in this article, we will try to introduce this nutrition completely.


Date kernel powder


Date kernel (seeds), like dates fruits, have numerous benefits and are used to treat and release many diseases also, date seeds, like many other kernels, including avocado kernels, mango kernels, apricot kernels, and apple kernels…, have much nutritional value. Date seed powder is made from burnt or roasted kernels.

This amazing powder contains compounds that are chemically composed of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, zinc, cadmium, calcium, and potassium. Saturated fatty acids include stearic and palmitic acids, and unsaturated fatty acids include linoleic and oleic acids, which can inhibit the action of the enzyme 5α-Reductase.


Health benefits of Date seeds


Date seeds or a pit have several amazing medicinal properties. It helps to prevent kidney and liver toxicity or damage, is useful in diabetes, is rich in antioxidants, prevents DNA damage, and helps to fight various viral infections. Listed below are a few of the health benefits of using Date seeds.


benefits of date kernel(seeds)  :


  • Prevent DNA damage
  • Useful in treating blood sugar problems
  • Antiviral Agents
  • Prevent kidney and liver damage
  • Antioxidants
  • Improves bone health


Date kernel powder prevents DNA damage

According to a study, date seeds have shown defensive effects against chemically induced liver damage and oxidative DNA damage. Date seeds protect liver intoxication, and this hepato-protective effect might be attributed to the antioxidant and free radical scavenging activities.

Useful in treating blood sugar problems

Date seeds are found useful in treating blood sugar-related problems, diabetes, and its related complications. According to recent research date seeds have shown potential protective effects against early diabetic complications of both the liver and kidney.

benefits of Date kernel powder or date seed powder and how to use it

Antiviral Agents


Date seeds act as antiviral agents against various pathogenic human viruses. It can be useful in the treatment and prevention of many types of viral infections. Research has shown that date pit extracts show a strong ability to prevent the infectivity of Pseudomonas phage ATCC 14209-B1 and completely prevent bacterial lysis.

Date kernel powder prevents kidney and liver damage

Date seeds are rich in proanthocyanidins that help to protect the liver and kidney from damage. A study states that proanthocyanidins-rich date seed extract protects against chemically induced kidney and liver toxicity.


Date seeds are rich in antioxidants and have antioxidants and free radical scavenging capabilities. It helps to protect the body against oxidative stress damage.  In recent research, the antioxidant potential of date seed protein hydrolysates could be used as a potential functional food ingredient for health promotion. Another research found that Iranian date seeds are strong radical scavengers and can be considered a good source of natural antioxidants for medicinal and commercial uses.

Improves bone health

Dates could do wonders for your bone health too. Dates are rich in selenium, manganese, copper, and magnesium, and all of these are required when it comes to keeping our bones healthy and preventing conditions such as osteoporosis.

How to make date seed powder at home for various health benefits?

Wash the date seeds and let them dry completely. It may take up to 3 days to dry, depending on where you live. Once it is dried completely, grind the date seeds and use them in the same manner as coffee beans.

How to make date seed syrup at home? 

Wash and soak the date seeds for 24 hours. Grind it with some water.


How to use date seed?

  • Some people use date seeds as an additive to coffee.
  • Add date syrup into the warm water with lemon and drink as tea or infused water.
  • Try to make a healthy bread spread. Just blend date syrup with honey or Jaggery. Use this instead of jam.
  • Add date powder to your smoothies or juices.
  • Add date palm seed powder to your baking dishes like cookies, cakes, etc.
  • Add date syrup while making the salad dressing for extra health benefits.

iran fresh fruit company 

Different kinds of apple in iran - all types pf persian apple

Different kinds of apple in iran - all types pf persian apple

different kinds of apples in Iran is the subject of this article. here we will introduce any type of Persian apple and why they have good quality. remember that you can order any kind of Iranian apple for export.

Different kinds of apple in Iran

Iranian apple fruit

The apples produced in Iran have various shapes and colors. They have a round shape with a cavity at the top; some of them are closely rounded and the others have a conic shape. Moreover, some Iranian apple fruits have knob-like lobes at the bottom of the calyx. The other characteristic of these apples is that they have a firm flesh with red, white, or yellowish-white color. The skin of these apples is not harsh and is shiny.

The skin color may be yellow, green, red, dark red, or a mixture of these colors. Crab apples still exist and can be found in jungles in the north of Iran. The apple trees are mostly planted in Urmia, Mashhad, Shemiran, and Azerbaijan provinces. Moreover, in Iran, the harvest seasons for apples are winter and summer. By considering the rootstock type (standard, semi-dwarf, dwarf), these trees may range in height from 0.6 to 3 meters. The leaves of these apple trees are dark to light green with toothed margins. The underneath of these leaves has a silver color.

All  types of Apple

  • Golden Apple
  • Granny Smith
  • Red Delicious
  • Royal Gala


Iranian Royal Gala apple

The largest import of  Iranian royal gala apples to India. This apple is red. The royal apple apple is taken from the orchards before September. Given that the production of this apple in Iran is low. But always have good customers from foreign markets.  Iran ranked seventh among the countries producing apple trees. And each year the amount of apple tree production increases in Fellowship. Apple Royal Gala has the lowest amount of Iranian gardens. This year, more than 200 tons of its production has been added.

Cities producing royal gala apple in Iran

More than 20 cities in Iran have large gardens of various kinds of apple trees. Royal gala apple is also one of these varieties. The cities of Urmia, Maragheh, Ashveniyeh, Naghdeh, Semirom, and Damavand are among the most important regions in Iran. The climate zones of Iran annually introduce the types of agricultural products to the world.


Types of Persian apple trees exported

The types of Iranian apple tree exports are less than those of rival countries. Most apple trees exported to Iran are red and golden delicious. After them, the Fuji and Gala apples have the most harvest in the gardens. Junatan and Granny Smith apples have the lowest production and harvest in Iranian gardens.

Different kinds of apple in iran - all types pf persian apple

Apple trees do well in a large portion of Iran

For planning, planting, and taking care of fruit trees you require only a few basic conditions to do well. For maximum production, fruit trees need deep, well-drained soil. A possible way to get around this is to plant the tree in a raised bed, a smart way to increase soil depth. Also, the fruit trees (like many other trees) need to be properly watered. Keep in mind that the buds begin to form the season before to fruit well. So you need to take care of them that prior season. An important term for fruit growers is so-called Chilling hours. Chilling hours is the number of hours in the winter when the temperatures drop below 7 but above freezing. Most of the fruit trees need a certain number of chilling hours to bud out. The number of hours varies with each variety and type of fruit. Please check out the average chilling hours of your area of residence before choosing from the variety and type of fruit. For proper pest and disease management, you need to apply an all-season horticultural oil before the trees bud out in the winter. Spraying does not stop here. You need also to spray fertilizers during the growing and fruiting season.

Specification sheet

Variety: Red Delicious / Red Chief, Golden Delicious, Royal Gala, Fuji, Braeburn, Granny Smith

Crops and Factory Location: Azerbaijan, Fars, Alborz, Khorasan, Tehran, and Isfahan Province.

Type: Organic

Style: Fresh

Sizes: 60-100 / 100-140 / 140-160 / 160-220 / 220-250 gr

Type Description Quantity Design:
Carton Box & Plastic Box
Retail: 0.5, 1 Kg
Bulk: 3, 5, 8, 10 Kg
SSP or customer design

Telescopic carton
Gross Weight: 10kg
Net Weight: 9kg
Size: 36, 44, 50, 60
Number of cartons in each pallet: 91
Number of pallets in each 40-foot container: 26


Guaranteed Shelf Life: 4 month
Recommended transit temp Degrees C: (-1) to 4 C
Desired relative humidity percent: 85 to 90
Storage Life: 60 days 1 C
Shelf Life: 10 days 10 C


Statistics for 2016

Amount of province production (Ton): 3,700,000 MT
The surface area under cultivation (hectare): 254200 Hectare
Average production per hectare: 14.5 MT
Apple exports from Iran to the world: 700,000 tons
Amount of spring apple production: 516498 tons 14% of production
Amount of apple production Autumn: 3180200 86%  of production.
Red Delicious: 1,475,700 tons
Golden Delicious: 1,328,130 tons
Other varieties: 147,570 tones
The area under apple cultivation in the world: 5300000 hectares
The amount of apple production in the world: 90,000,000 tons
Major areas of producing apples in the world are China, western Europe, America, Eastern Europe, Canada, Japan, and Australia.

iran fresh fruit company 

top 8 secret facts about apples are apples poisonous ?

Top 8 secret facts about apples are apples poisonous ?

Facts about apples are provided here as a list of top 8 , we wish you enjoy this article,

Top 8 secret facts about apples are apples poisonous ? be aware that you can contact us to order any kind of apple for export from Iran.

Facts apples

Apple orchards are a booming business

The average size of an apple orchard in the United States is 50 acres. One of the largest and oldest apple orchards in the country is Applecrest Farms in New Hampshire. It has been operated by the same family for four generations and has been in business for over a century. The orchard grows over 40 varieties of apples and other fruits and make standard apple orchard products, including apple cider and apple donuts. The owners also allow the public to pick their own apples and enjoy the surroundings of the orchard.

Apples are related to roses

Apples are part of the Rosaceae family, a medium-sized family that includes 2,830 species of flowering plants. Also included in this family are roses and edible fruits, like pears, apricots, plums, cherries, peaches, raspberries and strawberries. The flowers in this family are known for their beauty, including the apple tree which blooms in the spring. The apple trees are dormant during the winter but as soon as warm weather is detected, the tree begins to produce buds which will eventually flower. If the flower is pollinated by a bee, an apple will begin to grow.

Iran Red Apple suppliers

Apples have their own growing rules

Apples are unique in many ways, but apple facts tell us that a tree that produces one certain type of apple might not produce seeds that will grow the same type of apple. In other words, if you plant a seed from apple A, a tree that grows apple B might grow instead. In apple orchards, farmers need to go through a little extra work to make sure that they grow the same type of apple each year by using root stock and then grafting a branch onto it from the specific type of apple tree they want to grow.

A brown apple isn’t necessarily a bad apple

If you slice an apple and leave the pieces out long enough, they will begin to turn an unappetizing shade of brown. Many people won’t eat a brown apple because they believe it is rotten, but the truth is that the apple has simply gone through an oxidation process. The inside of an apple changes when it is exposed to air, but the fruit does not spoil this quickly. To keep sliced apples looking more appealing, you can spritz lemon juice on the surface. To keep whole apples from spoiling too soon, store them in the refrigerator.

Apples and gravity

Everyone knows about the story of Isaac Newton and how an apple falling on his head lead to the discovery of gravity. Many simply assume that the story is made up though and was only popularized to help explain gravity. But apple facts tell us that recently discovered documents reveal comments made by Newton himself. They state that he was out in the orchard and witnessed several apples falling and it made him question why they always fell in the same way. This led him to research and hypothesize, leading to the discovery of gravity.

top 8 secret facts about apples are apples poisonous ?

Apples can poison you

While apple facts do tell us that an apple can kill you, the chances of it happening are very, very slim. Apple pips, small and hard seeds in the fruit, do contain a bit of cyanide. However, it is a very small amount and the shell is so hard that the human body can’t break it down enough to allow the cyanide to escape. In the rare case that it is broken through, the amount of cyanide is so small that the body would not be affected. You would have to eat a large amount of apple pips and have them all break down in your system to be hurt by the cyanide

Lopsided apples

If an apple has fewer seeds on one side than the other, it will be lopsided. These apples are still delicious to eat and can be fun to see, but often orchards toss them aside due to imperfection. Check imperfect produce bins at local produce stores or orchards, and you might find a few lopsided apples to take home for less! ,Top 8 secret facts about apples are apples poisonous ?

Brief apples facts

  • Apple sare also said to symbolize health, love and fertility.
  • Apples were popular in ancient Greece and Rome and were a sign of opulence.
  • The most famous saying involving apples is, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.”
  • In Norse mythology, the goddess of youth, Idun was believed to grow magic apples that kept the gods youthful.
  • The largest apple ever weighed 1.849 kgand was grown and picked by Chisato Iwasaki at his apple farm in Hirosaki City, Japan October 24 2005.
  • Apples float in waterbecause they are 25% air.
  • The apple genomewas decoded in 2010.
  • The most expensive apple in the world is Sekai Ichi apple it cost $21.00 each. Sekai ichi means “world’s number one” in Japanese.
  • To produce one apple, it takes energy from 50 leaves.
  • Apples can help you improve your memory.
  • Life expectancyfor apple tree is about 100 years.
  • The apple treegenerally standing 8 to 4.6 meters (6 to 15 feet) tall in cultivation and up to 12 meters (39 ft) in the wild.
  • Apple trees take4 to 5 years to produce their first fruit.
  • There are more than 8,000 varietiesof apples – the largest variety of fruit to exist.
  • The apple tree originatedin Central Asia. They have been grown for thousands of years in Asia and Europe, and were brought to North America by European colonists.
  • Don’t peel your apple. Two-thirds of the fiber and lots of antioxidants are found in the peel. Antioxidants help to reduce damage to cells, which can trigger some diseases.
  • Apples ripen six to ten times faster at room temperature than if they were refrigerated.
  • Two pounds of apples make one 9-inch pie.
  • Apples are fat, sodium, and cholesterol free.
  • The science of apple growing is called pomology.
  • Apple trees take four to five years to produce their first fruit.

iran fresh fruit company 

different kind of plum in iran - iran plum export

different kind of plum in iran - iran plum export

Iran plum export is the subject of this article. in this article we will provide a detailed view of this field , different kinds of plum , top plum exporters , …all are provided here.

Iran plum export 


Iranian Plums have a plump, round shape with a depression at the top where the stem attached.

Which city or province grow:

  • Tehran
  • Oroumeyeh
  • Tabriz
  • Mashhad

Harvest Season:

  • Summer

Plum skin is very smooth and shiny, and can be red, purple, or yellow.

Plums may be confused with nectarines or apples, but plums are usually smaller than both and lack orange coloring. Dried plums are called prunes.

Plum Tree: Plum trees can grow 6 to 12 feet in height, depending on the cultivar.

Plum Leaves: Plum leaves are simple, oval to oblong and come to a point at the end. The leaf margins are scalloped.

different Kinds of plums in Iran

  • Opal Plumage lighter in color and have a mix of green and yellow in the purple color too. Their flesh is yellow and has a firm texture.

·              Czar Plums have a uniform dark purple color, and their flesh is red with a juicy texture.

·              Golden Plum has a beautiful yellow color, and its flesh is also yellow with a juicy texture.

Bulk packaging is in 5/8/10 kg cartons or baskets.

Retail packaging is in 0.5/1 kg custom packs.

different kind of plum in iran - iran plum export

organic prunes

prunes is one of the popular dried fruit and is produced in Iran in high volume with high quality. several city in Iran produce the best prune and export it to other countries by low price. Among this cities, Tabriz and other cities around it are the best producer in dried fruit field.

prunes are produced in 2 way

·              by sun

·              by aquafortisin sunny method any extra materials will not be added to plums and the best organic prunes are produced. But in second method aquafortis is added to plums for the color of the plum don’t become too dark, it can be kept prunes longer with more moisture. IN both of method standards is very important to export Iranian organic prunes to other country without any problems.

Iran is the 10th largest producer of plums in the world

About 10 million tons of plums are produced annually in the world. Iran is the tenth largest producer of this fruit in the world with a production of about 147,000 tons. About 10 million tons of plums are produced annually in the world. China, with a production of more than five million tons, and the United States, with a production of 675,000 tons of plums, are the first and second largest producers of this fruit in the world, followed by Serbia, Romania, Chile, Turkey, Spain, Italy, India and Iran.

Ranks in order :

1.   China

2.   United states

3.   Serbia

4.   Romania

5.   Chile

6.   Turkey

7.   Spain

8.   Italy

9.   India

10.  Iran

Iran fresh fruit company 

Different types of iranian nectarine and its difference with peaches

Different types of iranian nectarine and its difference with peaches

Iranian nectarine is introduced in this article, here we have provided nectarine types , its buyers and facts . you can order nectarine for export by contacting us.

Iranian nectarine

Nectarine is a type of peach fruit. It is a hairless peach and is sweeter than peaches and has a higher sugar or brix than peaches. Iranian nectarine ,  Nectarines, like peaches, probably originated in China over 2,000 years ago and were cultivated in ancient Persia, Greece and Rome. They were grown in Great Britain in the late 16th or early 17th centuries, and were introduced to America by the Spanish

Most cultivation in Iran

  • Tehran province
  • Alborz Province
  • Hamedan
  • Kurdistan
  • North khorasan and ….


Nectarine Due to its high sugar content, it has a short shelf life, it has a shorter shelf life than fruits such as apples.


Top buyers of nectarine fruits in Iran : 

Russia, Iraq, Pakistan, Turkey, Thailand, India and the neighboring countries of the Persian Gulf. Iran ranks seventh in the production of Nectarine and peach fruit.


14 secrets facts of nectarine

  • Help Prevent Cancer
  • Have Anti-Diabetic Properties
  • Aid Weight Loss
  • Offer Antioxidant Defense
  • Prevent Hypokalemia
  • Regulate Blood Pressure Levels
  • Improve Heart Health
  • Enhance Digestive Health
  • Lower Cholesterol Levels
  • Improve Immunity And Fight Infections
  • Enhance Skin Health
  • Enhance Cell Health
  • Improve Eye Health
  • Helps Prevent Anemia

Different types of Iranian nectarines :

  • Shams Nectarine (Sun Nectarine): Blooming early and has a high sugar content, it is not very suitable for export.
  • Nectarine (Shabrang Nectarine)
  • Donut Nectarines
  • Stark Sunglo Nectarine
  • Moghan Nectarine: The largest amount of exports of this type of nectarine.


What is the difference between peaches and nectarines ?

  • The nectarine is actually a type of peach, except that it has a smooth skin compared to a peach’s velvety one. Basically, one tiny recessive gene keeps it from being a peach.
  • The nectarine has a more vivid color (between a bright red and yellow color) and it is usually smaller.
  • Peaches originated in China.
  • In California in the 1940s and ’50s, nectarines were bred to be heartier than earlier varieties and became more available to the general public.
  • A peach’s signature skin has a protective layer of fuzz and is often removed before making jams or baking into pies as it can get tough when cooked.
  • nectarines were bred to be heartier than earlier varieties and became more available to the general public, In California in the 1940s and ’50s .
  • Both types of stone fruit (a classification that includes cherries and plums) are delicious raw, whether in a salad or simply eaten out of hand, standing over the sink.
  • Whichever you try, take a sniff when choosing: the tastiest fruit should have an intense sweet smell. Ripe fruit gives slightly with gentle pressure. Look for pink-blushed creamy white to red-blush yellow skin and avoid any with soft spots or an overtly greenish tinge near the stem.
  • Iran fresh fruit company 
apples benefits - Is apple good for our health ?

apples benefits - Is apple good for our health ?

is apple good for health?

this is an important question for those who want to live a healthy life, we will answer this question surely to provide you with good information about apple good for health?

Is apple good for our health?

Apples are a popular fruit, containing antioxidants, vitamins, dietary fiber, and a range of other nutrients. Due to their varied nutrient content, they may help prevent several health conditions.

Apple nutrition facts – Calories, Vitamin, Carbs and fiber

Apples contain a range of antioxidantsincluding:

  • quercetin
  • catechin
  • phloridzin
  • chlorogenic acid


Some benefits of apples :

  • Apples are good for teeth, healthier teeth
  • Apples are good for Avoid Alzheimer’s
  • Curb all sorts of cancers
  • Apples decrease your risk of diabetes
  • Apples are good for the Heart
  • Apples Prevent hemorrhoids
  • Control your weight
  • Apples are good for liver
  • Boost your immune system


is apple good for health?

Apples are good for teeth, healthier teeth

Apples won’t replace your toothbrush, but biting and chewing an apple can stimulate the production of saliva in your mouth and reduce tooth decay by lowering the levels of bacteria.

Apples are good for Avoid Alzheimer’s

study on the benefits of apples shows that drinking apple juice could keep Alzheimer’s away and fight the effects of aging on the brain. The mice in the study that were fed an apple-enhanced diet showed higher levels of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine and did better in maze tests than those on a regular diet.

apples benefits - Is apple good for our health ?

Curb all sorts of cancers

Scientists from the American Association for Cancer Research agree that the consumption of flavonol-rich apples could help reduce your risk of developing pancreatic cancer by up to 23 percent. Researchers at Cornell University have identified several compounds in apple peel that have potent anti-growth activities against cancer cells in the liver, colon, and breast. Their earlier research found that extracts from whole apples can reduce the number and size of mammary tumors in rats. Meanwhile, the National Cancer Institute in the U.S. has recommended a high fiber intake to reduce the risk of colorectal cancer.

Apples decrease your risk of diabetes

Women who eat at least one apple a day are 28 percent less likely to develop type 2 diabetes than those who don’t eat apples. According to the Ontario Apple Growers, this fruit is extremely high in pectin a soluble fiber, and is the key to blunting blood sugar swings.

Apples are good for the Heart

Apples contain fiber, vitamin C, antioxidants, and potassium. A medium-sized apple provides the following:

  • 13–20% of a person’s daily fiber needs
  • 9–11% of a person’s daily vitamin C needs
  • 4% of a person’s daily potassium needs

Fiber appears to help manage blood pressure, which may reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Vitamin C is an antioxidant that, alongside other antioxidants, may play a role in protecting some aspects of heart health. Vitamin C may also boost the immune system and help defend the body from infections and diseases.

Potassium helps relax the blood vessels, reducing the risk of high blood pressure and cardiovascular complications.


Apple Prevent hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are a swollen vein in the anal canal. While not life-threatening, these veins can be very painful. They are caused by too much pressure in the pelvic and rectal areas. Part and parcel with controlling constipation, fiber can help keep your bowel movements regular and prevent you from straining too much when going to the bathroom.

Control your weight

Many health problems are associated with being overweight, such as heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, and sleep apnea. To manage weight and improve overall health, doctors recommend a diet rich in fiber.

Apples are good for liver

Your liver is responsible for clearing these toxins out of your body. Many doctors are skeptical of fad detox diets, saying they have the potential to do more harm than good. Luckily, one of the best (and easiest) things you can eat to help detoxify your liver is to incorporate fruits, like apples, into your diet.

Boost your immune system

Red apples contain an antioxidant called quercetin. Recent studies have found that quercetin can help boost and fortify your immune system—especially when you’re stressed out.


The table below shows the amount of each nutrient in a medium-sized raw apple weighing around 182 g.

It also shows how much an adult needs of each nutrient.


apples benefits - Is apple good for our health ?

Dietary tips and recipes

There are many varieties of apples, as well as several different ways of consuming them.

People can eat them raw, as applesauce, chopped in salads, baked whole, in pies, pastries, and cakes, in curries and chutneys, dried in slices, added to smoothies, and as juice.

Some popular apple varieties include:

·       McIntosh: A juicy, red apple with tender, white flesh and a tangy flavor.

  • Red delicious: A crisp, juicy red apple.
  • Fuji: Yellow and red in color, it has firm, sweet flesh.
  • Granny Smith: A green apple with crisp, greenish flesh and a sharp flavor.
  • Golden Delicious: A yellow apple with a mild, sweet flavor.

Preferences vary, but many people prefer tart, tangy apples for making applesauce or apple pie. To avoid adding sugar, try pairing tart apples with sweet ones in cooking or adding spices to counter the sharpness.


Here are some recipes that include apples:

  • Sugar-free applesauce
  • Sugar-free stuffed baked apples
  • Apple walnut salad with balsamic vinaigrette
  • Sugar-free apple and carrot muffins


Risks and considerations

is apple good for health? for everyone?  Eating an apple is unlikely to trigger serious side effects in most people, but some people may need to take care.

The sections below list some potential risks of eating apples.

·       Toxins

·       Allergies

·       Teeth

·       Choking


Apple seeds contain cyanide. Swallowing whole seeds is unlikely to cause harm, but chewing and swallowing a large number of apple seeds could be dangerous


Some people may have an allergic reaction after eating apples. Anyone who experiences hives, swelling, or difficulty breathing should seek immediate medical attention.


In the past, there was a widespread belief that eating an apple could help remove plaque from the teeth. However, studies have not found strong evidence of this. Brushing the teeth regularly is more likely to have this effect.

In addition, the acidic content of apples may contribute to a buildup of plaque. People should therefore rinse their mouth with water or brush their teeth after eating an apple.


Young children and older adults who have difficulty swallowing may be at risk of choking on raw apple pieces. Consuming unsweetened applesauce or other forms of cooked apple may be a better option.

Iran dried fruit company 

Features of the Best Fruit and Vegetable Supplier Companies

Features of the Best Fruit and Vegetable Supplier Companies Updated 2024

Updated 2024

fruit Supplier Companies and Vegetable Supplier Companies are many. many many companies around the world provide and export their fruit and vegetable products. but how can we decide which one is best? with 20 years of experience in this field, we will fully answer this question.

What is the fresh vegetable supplier?

Companies in this industry distribute fresh fruits, vegetables, spices, and herbs. Major companies include Caito Foods Service, Coast Citrus Distributors, FreshPoint, and Tom Lange Company (all based in the US), as well as Fresh Produce Group (Australia), Fyffes (Ireland), IG International (India), Oppenheimer Group (Canada), Tokyo Seika (Japan), and Total Produce (Ireland). Vertically integrated fruit and vegetable producers such as Chiquita, Dole, and Del Monte have major global distribution operations.


Competitive landscape

Demand is driven by the consumption of fruits and vegetables. Profitability depends on maintaining a high quality and varied selection of produce and on efficient operations. Larger distributors benefit from economies of scale in purchasing and transportation. Smaller companies may compete by specializing in certain products, such as tropical fruits or organic products, or by focusing on a geographical area. The US industry is fragmented: the 50 largest companies account for about 35% of industry revenue.


fresh vegetable supplier  Products, operation & technology

Distributors’ main operations involve getting fruit and vegetables from producers to customers, which include food retailers and food service providers. Major products include fresh fruits (about 55% of industry revenue), whole fresh vegetables (30%), and prepackaged fresh-cut vegetables (10%). Distributors may also offer products such as fresh spices, herbs, seasonal nuts, salad dressings, tofu, juice, or flowers. Some companies specialize in exotic produce and staples of various ethnic cuisines, such as enoki mushrooms and lotus root (which are used in many Asian dishes) or corn husks and cactus pads (common ingredients in traditional Latin American foods).

Features of the Best Fruit and Vegetable Supplier companies for Restaurants

  • Consistent quality
  • Supply chain
  • Experience
  • Industry accreditation


consistent quality

This feature cannot be overemphasized. Being able to receive fresh fruits and vegetables from your suppliers will not just satisfy your diners but will also help you save a lot of money in the long run because you will be able to prevent spoilage. You also need to make sure that your supplier provides clear information on the sources of their produce.

Supply chain

The best fruit and vegetable suppliers for restaurants have an excellent supply chain to ensure their products are in optimum condition and deliveries are done on time. Wholesalers with an excellent supply chain are also able to deliver fruits and vegetables according to your unique needs, that is, your seasonal demands and preferences.


The size of your clientele heavily relies on the consistent delivery of quality fruits and vegetables from your supplier. This is where experience comes in, as you should be working with a supplier that has a reputation for delivering consistency and quality to some of the most prestigious restaurants.

Industry Accreditation

It is important to choose a supplier that has accreditation as it proves that their operations meet minimum requirements and are officially recognized.



Features of the Best Fruit and Vegetable Supplier Companies



Fresh Produce Wholesalers Companies in this Country/Region: 

  • China(37,947)
  • Russian Federation(17,991)
  • Brazil(15,315)
  • Italy(14,302)
  • Spain(11,393)
  • Japan(10,332)
  • Poland(8,264)
  • Taiwan(7,042)
  • United States(6,974)
  • Republic Of Korea(5,422)
  • Ukraine(4,532)
  • France(3,959)
  • Germany(3,361)
  • Argentina(3,168)
  • Belgium(3,013)
  • India(2,764)
  • Romania(2,761)
  • Australia(2,696)
  • United Kingdom(2,368)
  • Portugal(1,992)
  • Canada(1,796)
  • Thailand(1,764)
  • Hungary(1,709)
  • Morocco(1,647)
  • Kazakhstan(1,473)
  • Bulgaria(1,335)
  • Netherlands(1,260)
  • Ecuador(1,168)
  • Chile(1,112)
  • Serbia(962)
  • Uzbekistan(864)
  • Greece(809)
  • Algeria(748)
  • Singapore(622)
  • Hong Kong(593)
  • Sweden(530)
  • Switzerland(472)
  • Turkey(391)
  • Mexico(380)
  • Austria(322)
  • Tunisia(301)
  • South Africa(271)
  • Denmark(258)
  • Norway(222)
  • New Zealand(216)
  • Moldova(213)
  • Philippines(213)
  • United Arab Emirates(209)
  • Finland(196)
  • Croatia(189)
  • Ireland(186)
  • Czech Republic(182)
  • Dominican Republic(174)
  • Bosnia-Herzegovina(156)
  • Kyrgyzstan(153)
  • Latvia(150)
  • Slovenia(142)
  • Lithuania(135)
  • Peru(127)
  • Estonia(125)
  • Montenegro(117)
  • Slovakia(99)
  • Costa Rica(81)
  • Reunion(73)
  • Malaysia(65)
  • Egypt(61)
  • Guadeloupe(59)
  • Vietnam(54)
  • Guatemala(49)
  • Indonesia(40)
  • Martinique(38)
  • Pakistan(30)
  • Saudi Arabia(26)
  • Cyprus(19)
  • Sri Lanka(19)
  • Venezuela(19)
  • Honduras(18)
  • Iran(4)

Features of the Best Fruit and Vegetable Supplier Companies

Top Fresh Produce Wholesalers Companies or Vegetable Supplier Companies :


Farzin fresh fruit exporter

we do provide or supply any kind of fresh fruit, with the best quality and the fairest price from Iran.  with 20 years of experience in this field, we can export Iranian fresh fruits anywhere around the world. to fill out an order form, please contact us.



$7,902.33M | Australia


LANDI Seeland AG

$7,058.27M | Switzerland


Union-Fruits SA

$6,808.70M | Switzerland


Guizhou Jiangyan Trading Co., Ltd.

$5,564.90M | China



$4,126.10M | Ireland



$2,907.77M | Belgium


Rabo Trading Germany GmbH

$2,328.67M | Germany



$2,103.20M | Japan


Bama Gruppen AS

$2,074.33M | Norway



$1,977.95M | Russian Federation



$1,859.56M | United Arab Emirates



$1,859.56M | United Arab Emirates


Juan Garcia Lax Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung

$1,816.54M | Germany



Grimmway Enterprises, Inc.

$1,700.19M | United States



$1,659.11M | South Africa



$1,637.57M | New Zealand



$1,538.25M | Belgium



$1,459.46M | Ireland



$1,457.06M | Ireland



$1,457.06M | Ireland



$1,340.22M | Japan


OGL – Food Trade Lebensmittelvertrieb GmbH

$1,308.65M | Germany


Del Monte Fresh Produce Company

$1,300.32M | United States



$1,243.24M | Russian Federation


Gemüsering STUTTGART GmbH

$1,210.76M | Germany


Sunkist Growers, Inc.

$1,147.99M | United States



$1,086.11M | France



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