onion varieties in iran - Onion Properties for Health - red onion exporter

onion varieties in iran - Onion Properties for Health - red onion exporter

red onion exporter information is detailes below.

red onion exporter

Onions (scientific name: Allium cepa) are one of the oldest edible vegetables in the world and Iran. This crop was cultivated in Egypt three thousand years B.C. and according to some documents, workers who used to build the Egyptian pyramids were used onions as staple food. The onion belongs to the Alliaceae family and is a two-year-old plant with weak bush growth and hollow cylindrical leaves. The leaves are yellowish-green and grow in a narrow flat row, alternate in shape.

The most important environmental factors affecting bulb formation are temperature and day length. Accordingly, onion cultivars are divided into three groups: long-day, mid-day and short-day. The importance of this is in determining when to plant. For example, long-day varieties such as red onions are usually planted in April. In the fall, the leaves disappear and the outer shell of the onion becomes dry and crisp, typically harvested at this time.

Common onions are normally available in three colors: yellow, red, and white. Yellow onions are full-flavored and are a reliable standby for cooking almost anything. Yellow onions turn a rich, dark brown when cooked and give French onion soup its tangy sweet flavor. The red onion is a good choice for fresh uses or in grilling and char-broiling. White onions are the traditional onion used in classic Mexican cuisine. They have a golden color and sweet flavor when sautéed. While the large mature onion bulb is the onion most often eaten, onions can be eaten at immature stages. Young plants may be harvested before bulbing occurs and used whole as scallions.When an onion is harvested after bulbing has begun but the onion is not yet mature, the plants are sometimes referred to as summer onions.

Additionally, onions may be bred and grown to mature at smaller sizes. Depending on the mature size and the purpose for which the onion is used, these may be referred to as pearl, boiler, or pickler onions. (However, true pearl onions are a different species.) Pearl and boiler onions may be cooked as a vegetable rather than an ingredient. Pickler onions are, unsurprisingly, often pickled.

Onion seed may be “sprouted”, and the resulting sprouts used in salads, sandwiches, and other dishes.
Onions are available in fresh, frozen, canned, caramelized, pickled, powdered, chopped, and dehydrated forms.
Onion powder is a spice used for seasoning in cooking. It is made from finely ground, dehydrated onions, mainly the pungent varieties of bulb onions, which causes the powder to have a very strong odor. Onion powder comes in a few varieties: white, yellow, red and toasted.


Onion historical use

Historians are believed that onions have been a food source for thousands of years. In the Bronze Age habitats, traces of onion remnants were found alongside the date palm and fig nucleus, dating back to 5000 years B.C. However, they aren’t sure that these were planted onions.

Archaeological evidence, affirms that onions were probably planted in ancient Egypt about 2000 years ago, along with leeks and garlic. The workers who made the Egyptian pyramids probably ate radishes and onions.

Onions are simply propagated, transported and stored. The ancient Egyptians worshiped it and believed that spherical shapes and concentric rings symbolized eternal life. On the basis of signs of onion that found in the Ramses IV tomb, onions were even used in the burial of the Egyptians. In ancient Greece, athletes ate plenty of onions. Because they believed it would easier make blood balance and they also applied onions to Roman gladiator muscles to strengthen them. In the Middle Ages, in  europe onions were on the side of cabbage and beans, one of the main vegetable foods of the poor and rich. It was also prescribed for the treatment of headache, snakebite, and onion hair loss.

Onion varieties in Iran 

Golden or Yellow Onion

The most famous member of the onion family, which has golden brown skin and its inner layers are white or yellowish white. This type of spicy has a sharp taste and is the best option for cooking. These onions are usually grown and harvested between spring and autumn, but they are stored in warehouses, these onions have a very high shelf life but you should keep them in a cool and dark place. That’s why it’s available in all seasons. Yellow onion in the world of onions is the same as jeans in the people world, known in all countries and can be used in all food.


red onion exporter : Red onion

This beautiful colored onion with a red velvety coating that has a white brain. Because of its mild and sweet taste, it is the best option for raw consumption. Red onions have more flavonoids and fiber than white and yellow onions. Because of its beautiful color you can use it to decorate a plate. A good choice for grilling, salads and sandwiches. These onions are available all seasons and can be stored at home for 3 to 4 months.

we are a red onion exporter (as well as other types of onion ) , you can contact us to import onions to your country.

White onion

This onion is perfectly white in color and has a mild and cool taste. The difference between white and yellow is that white onions are sweeter and have less shelf life than yellow onions. Generally white and red are shorter than yellow onions because of their higher sugar content. In terms of usage it is almost like red onion, can be eaten raw or used in salads. This onion is the best choice for Mexican dishes. Small white onions are used in soup, casserole and kebab, this type is known as boiled onions.

Vidalia or sweet onion

This onion is originally American and was first cultivated in the southeastern region of Georgia. The onions are named Vidalia because they were historically grown in the town of vidalia, Georgia. It is sweet, crunchy and juicy and tastes a bit spicy. Because of its sweet taste and sugar it is great for making caramel onions. Also, large Vidalia bulbs are a great choice for making onion rings.

Pear-shaped onion

These onions are small and sweet and have a special and delectable taste. Available in white, yellow and red, but white is more common. These onions were originally grown in home gardens in Germany and Italy. The biggest discomfort about using fresh pear-shaped onions is peeling them. Soak them in boiling water for ease of use and gently remove the skin with your fingers. These onions are a good choice for pickling, grilling and steaming.

green onion

green onion is made up of long green leaves and a small onion at the end. The white part of the onion is sharper and you can combine it with ginger and garlic  and use it to flavor foods, as well as the onion leaves in the salad.


Many of you may confuse Shallot with red onions. Shallot is a small onion with brown skin and purple texture and the core is composed of two or more separate parts. Shallot has a strong, garlic like taste and its layers are thin, which helps to cut it down very finely. Shallot is excellent for use in salads and sauces.

red onion exporter

Onion Properties for Health

In onion varieties, each with a stronger flavor are also more prominent. Onions, in addition to being one of the main ingredients in most of today’s foods, have unique benefits and contain natural sugars, vitamins A, C, E and B6. Minerals found in this vegetable include sodium, potassium, iron and fiber. You should also know that onions are a rich source of folic acid.

Each 100 grams of onion contains:

44 Calories

1.4 grams of fiber

4.25 grams of natural sugar

1.1 grams of protein

9.35 grams of carbohydrates The onion’s health properties are just as complex as the appearance of this vegetable. Almost all types of onions on the market, regardless of their type and color, have unique benefits. Some of these benefits will be interesting to you, others will surprise you immediately, and most will definitely encourage you to consume more onions.

onion varieties in iran - Onion Properties for Health - red onion exporter

  • Onions are high in antioxidants

Photochemicals are natural ingredients that found in fresh fruits and vegetables and have made them good and healthy foods. Some of them have antioxidant effects, just like the herbal chemicals found in onions. You may be surprised to hear this, but the onion is actually the richest food you can find in terms of its antioxidant content.

Lemons, blueberries, parsley or any other edible things that mentioned in commercial advertising as a complete source of antioxidants hasn’t antioxidant as much as onions. Also, the interesting thing is that one of the reasons why onions are high in antioxidants is the presence of sulfur  compounds, the same compounds that make the onion smell unpleasant.

  • Onions strong anti-cancer

Obviously the antioxidant property mentioned above can help fight cancer and a variety of tumors, but there is a certain substance in the onion that causes it to have a double carcinogenic effect. This combination is called quercetin. The most prominent effect of quercetin on health is its ability to fight cancer, and if you are motivated to consume more onions, this can be a decisive reason for consuming more onions in your diet.

  • It produces good cholesterol

Often when you take advantage of this amazing effect of onion when you eat it raw, so always remember this before putting the onion in your diet. An easy way to help raise good cholesterol levels (and therefore, lower bad cholesterol levels) is to put a few pieces of it on the food. You can also sprinkle a few drops of lemon juice on it to get more of the onion’s properties.

  • decreasing stomach ulcers and swelling

Onions eliminate free radicals; this onion, along with the healing power of this high-quality vegetable, helps to protect against stomach ulcers. Onions can also prevent gastritis from developing in the long run, keeping the inner lining of the stomach healthy and maintaining its acid balance.

red onion exporter

  • Preventing diabetes by regulating blood sugar

Chromium is another valuable ingredient in onions and the properties of onions that make blood sugar better and more stable. This has a positive effect on maintaining the body’s natural sensitivity to insulin and preventing diabetes, regulating appetite and preventing obesity.

  • Onions increase bone density in postmenopausal women

The beneficial effects of onions on bone health are not only limited by the high amount of calcium present in it, but also by the flavonoids in it, which allow calcium to reach specific areas of the body that need it most. So, as another health-promoting onion, osteoporosis can be prevented.

  • The onion reduces inflammation and fights infections

Flavonoids and compounds that cause sharp taste in raw onions, reduce inflammation, both inside and outside the body. As you probably know, inflammation causes variety of diseases in your body. The red onion has all the amazing properties and nutritional value mentioned above, but it also has additional benefits. Here are the properties.

  • Red onions have a greater effect on lowering bad blood cholesterol

The flavonoids that cause red onion in this type of onion have a surprising effect on lowering bad cholesterol and stimulating good cholesterol production in the body, and are therefore very valuable for maintaining body health.

  • Red onions are a rich source of iron, calcium, and other valuable minerals

Always overlooked for its unique properties, red onions are rich in calcium, iron, manganese, magnesium, potassium, and vitamins C, K, and B6. Rarely can all of these valuable ingredients be found in nature together, so take advantage of the nutritious and useful components of the red onion. The onion is like a potent vitamin pill, which is essential for maintaining bone density and healthy blood circulation.

  • Red onions relieve asthma, allergies and osteoarthritis

One of the unique and beneficial effects of red onions for health that is not present in white onions is their ability to improve the condition of people with asthma, arthritis, and allergies. This is also due to the anti-inflammatory properties of all types of onions, but this onion has another reason: a compound called ONA blocks the activity of immune system cells and thereby cures these diseases.


At present, China is the largest producer of this edible product with more than 24 million tons of onions annually. The country allocates more than 1 million hectares each year with yields of 21 tons per hectare. Although the Chinese are the largest onion producers, they are second in the global export market.According to the latest report in 2017, Iran by producing around 2.5 million tones is the forth country in the world in production of onions.

East Azarbaijan province has the highest level of onion cultivation which accounts for 24% of this crop, followed by Isfahan, Fars, Sistan and Baluchestan, Khorasan, Hormozgan and Khuzestan provinces. Iranian onions are mostly exported to Asian and European countries. Iran has onions in all four seasons. That is why it can be exported every 4 seasons, which is a great opportunity.

we are any kinds of onion or red onion exporter company in Iran . be sure that we can export any kind of onion to anywhere around the world . so be sure to contact us.


apricot benefits , nutrition facts

apricot benefits , nutrition facts and apricot dessert recipe

apricot benefits , nutriton facts and apricot dessert recipe is provided here.


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Apricots Origin:

The origin of apricots is China, and the references of their culture go back to 3,000 B.C. They spread from China to India, Persia, arriving in Europe, although the Arabs were responsible for their spreading. The original producing countries are in Asia; these are Turkey, Iran, and Pakistan.

Some authors thought, in the beginning, that apricots came from Armenia. But in fact, they are Chinese, and their origin goes back to 3,000 years before Christ. From China, the apricot spread towards the north of India to Punjab and Tibet. From Persia, it went to Europe. In Rome, apricot was not consumed until the 1st century, and it arrived in Greece during the campaigns of Alexander Magnus. The Arabs were responsible for its spreading.

From Spain, apricot went to America, where it underwent acclimatization to tempered areas, mainly in California and along the river Mississippi.

Apricot Nutrition Facts:

The first thing all of us want to know first, is Nutrition facts, which you may check in the table below:

Nutrition Value per 100 g apricot
Energy48 kcalVitamin B60.054 mg4%Calcium13.00 mg1%
Carbohydrates11 gVitamin C10.0 mg11%Copper0.078 mg9%
sugars9.2gVitamin E0.89 mg4%Iron0.39 mg2%
Dietary fiber2 gVitamin K3.3 μg3%Magnesium10.00 mg2%
Total Fat0.4 gZinc0.20 mg2%
Protein1.4 gPotassium259 mg6%
Water8635 gSodium1.00 mg0%


Apricot Benefits:

Now we want to talk about apricots’ benefits and their effect on your body.

Furthermore on apricot benefits , this fruit is a decent source of beta carotene, lutein, and zeaxanthin, all of which are potent antioxidants that help fight free radicals in your body, but Apricots do not contain Vitamin D.

The best way is to enjoy apricots whole and unpeeled because the skin contains a large amount of fiber and nutrients.

You can also find some of the apricots benefits, which it is mention below:

  1. Good Source of Vitamin A
  2. Rich in Fiber
  3. Good for Your Heart
  4. Treasure Chest of Antioxidants
  5. Good for Your Blood
  6. Good for the Skin
  7. It’s Diet-Friendly
  8. It Strengthens Your Bones

Eating tips:

Like most tasty fruits, apricots can be eaten in multiple ways. The dried and the fresh version are the easiest. But you could also chop apricots up and add them to your morning cereal, which is so delicious. Apricots are also used liberally in jams and preserves, and if you can figure out a recipe that uses little or no sugar, you can eat it without feeling too guilty.

apricot benefits , nutrition facts and apricot dessert recipe

Apricot dessert:

You can also put apricots in the freezer and save them for later.

You can also cook some home-made dessert in your own home.

We will teach you one easy recipe for apricot pudding.


440 g can apricot

2tablespoons caster sugar

1teaspoon ground cinnamon

40g softened butter

1/2 cup caster sugar, extra

1large egg

2teaspoons vanilla extract

1 cup flour

100mls milk

2teaspoons sour cream or Greek yogurt


  1. For best results, use the KitchenAid Platinum Exact Slice Food Processor
  2. Preheat the oven to 180°C (160°C fans forced). Spread the apricots over the base of an ovenproof 1 – 1.25-liter dish or divide between smaller individual dishes. Sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon
  3. Attach the all-purpose blade to the work bowl of the food processor. Add the butter and extra sugar, cover, and pulse for 1 minute or until the mixture is light and fluffy and sugar has dissolved.
  4. Add the egg and vanilla and pulse for 15 seconds. Add the flour, milk, and sour cream and pulse until smooth.
  5. Spread batter over the fruit, allowing some fruit to show through. Bake on the center shelf of the oven for 30 – 35 minutes or until firm and lightly golden
  6. Stand for 5 minutes before serving dusted with icing sugar. Delicious served with ice cream or cream.



kiwi allergic effects , benefits , nutrition facts and kiwi recipes

kiwi allergic effects , benefits

kiwi allergic effects , benefits , nutrition facts and kiwi recipes

kiwi allergic effects or benefits and nutrition facts and recipes are provided here.

What Kiwi does to your body?

What Kiwi taste like?

We are going to answer these questions and much more and teach you how to enjoy this amazing fruit

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Some recipes you can make with your fresh beetroot


Kiwi fruit (kiwi) or, as it is called in China, Gooseberry is one of the unique fruits in the whole world.

It is native to central and eastern China. Kiwi fruit is not being the most popular fruit in 1959.

It was decided to change the name to kiwifruit, after New Zealand’s national bird.

Kiwifruit (often shortened to kiwi outside Australia and New Zealand) is the edible berry of several species of woody vines in the genus Actinidia. The most common cultivar group of kiwifruit is oval, about the size of a large hen’s egg: 5–8 centimeters (2–3 inches) in length and 4.5–5.5 cm (1 3⁄4–2 1⁄4 in) in diameter. It has a thin, fuzzy, fibrous, tart but edible light brown skin and light green or golden flesh with rows of tiny, black, edible seeds. The fruit has a soft texture with a sweet and unique flavor. In 2018, China produced half of the world total of kiwifruit.

Kiwi Benefits :

One interesting fact about kiwi is it has two times the vitamin C of an orange, four times the vitamin C of a grapefruit, and as much potassium as a banana but unfortunately it doesn’t contain any of vitamin D.

The kiwifruit possesses properties that lower blood pressure. Kiwi helps to maintain healthy blood pressure and, providing a boost of Vitamin C, The kiwifruit can reduce the risk of stroke and heart disease.

Another important question you may face is that what does kiwi do to your body, I will mention them below:

Blood Pressure and Nervous System Benefits

Protection Against Eye Disease

Strengthens Immunity

Prevents Heart Disease

kiwi allergic effects , benefits , nutrition facts and kiwi recipes

Kiwi Nutrition Facts :

Now we want to discuss kiwi nutrition facts.

This amazing fruit contains lots of vitamins and minerals, as mentioned below:


Nutrition Value per 100 gram
Energy61 kcalVitamin A122 μg2%Calcium34 mg3%
Carbohydrates14.66 gVitamin B10.027 mg2%Copper0.13 mg7%
sugars8.99 gVitamin B20.025 mg2%Iron0.13 mg2%
Dietary fiber3 gVitamin B30.341 mg4%Magnesium17 mg5%
Fat0.52 gVitamin B50.183 mg5%Manganese0.098 mg5%
Protein1.14 gVitamin B60.063 mg6%Potassium312 mg7%
Water83 gVitamin B925 μg2%Sodium3 mg0%
Vitamin C92.7 mg112%Zinc0.14 mg1%
Vitamin E1.46 mg10%
Vitamin K40.3 μg38%


Kiwi allergic effects :

Kiwi does not have lots of fans due to its allergic effect.

Researches are demonstrated that children are more likely than adults to show these symptoms.

The first signs of a kiwi allergy are usually mild and may include a prickly, itchy feeling in and around the mouth. People may also develop a rash in areas where the skin made contact with the fruit.

Kiwi allergies are an oral problem.

When a person has a kiwi allergy, their immune system reacts negatively to certain material in this particular fruit.

Additionally, after the initial body reaction to this, subsequent reactions seem to be escalated. For this reason, it is necessary not to ignore any reaction you might experience after eating a kiwi.

kiwi dessert recipe :

Now we want to teach you some dessert recipe with kiwi:

Sorbet recipe:

Making sorbet at home is really easy, even though it sounds luxurious.

It is better to use frozen fruits for most of the sorbets and use fruits that are very ripe because ripe fruits have the highest natural sugar.

For this Kiwi Sorbet, if you use kiwis that are not very ripe, the sorbet will be extremely sour therefore We would like to wait until our kiwis are almost to the point where they are not pleasant to eat and, then we know they are perfect for this delicious recipe.

Step 1: Peel and slice your kiwis.

Slice into even pieces

Step 2: Freeze kiwi slices. Lay slices flat on a tray and freeze for approximately an hour.

Step 3: Blend. After you blend, you can serve your sorbet. It will be the perfect consistency to eat. Frozen, but soft enough to scoop and serve.

Bar recipe:



1 cup (125g) all-purpose flour

1/3 cup (42g) confectioners sugar

1/2 cup (1 stick or 113g) cold butter, diced


2 large eggs

1 1/4 cup (250g) granulated sugar

1/4 cup (31g) all-purpose flour

1/2 tsp salt

3 1/2 cups sliced kiwis

preparation stages:


Preheat oven to 350°F.

In a large bowl, blend the flour, confectioners sugar, and butter. You can use a food processor or pastry cutter, You can also mix it with your hand. You want the butter to be no bigger than a pea size and the ingredients to be well incorporated.

Press into a 8 x 8 pan. Bake for 12-15 minutes.


In a medium bowl, lightly beat two eggs. Add sugar, flour, and salt and mix until combined.

Gently stir in the sliced kiwis.

Pour mixture over the hot crust. Bake for another 35-40 minutes or until filling is set.

Allow bars to cool at room temperature for at least 30 minutes. You can serve them warm or refrigerate until ready to serve.



These bars are easy to make and very satisfying. It does not need any whipped cream or ice cream.

The bar by itself is amazing on it is own.

One of the amazing parts of this bar is its crust. It is rich and buttery, and when combined with the kiwi topping, the contrast of the butter and slightly sweet and tart kiwi filling does, will do magical things.

How to make kiwi bar

There are basically two steps to make these kiwi bars. Both are very easy. Essentially, we need to nail the crust (Step 1). Then the topping (step 2).

How to make kiwi bar crust

Pour your ingredients(flour, sugar, and cold butter) into a big bowl.

Then mix your ingredients with your hand(be careful to wash your hand before start) or, you can choose the easier way and use a food processor. But mixing them with your hands is more enjoyable.

How to make kiwi bar topping.

The topping really couldn’t be any easier as it only has 5 ingredients.

First, add filling ingredients to a bowl and mix your ingredients well. kiwi allergic effects

Then, grab a cutting board and cut your kiwis. Toss the kiwi in and stir by hand until everything is well combined.

By now, The Kiwi Bar crust should be done baking, so carefully remove it from the oven and watch your hand. Pour the filling onto the hot crust and tap the dish on the counter so that it settles a bit. Now it is time to get your delicious bars back into the oven for about 35-40 minutes. kiwi allergic effects

When it is done, the kiwi should not be burned. It is better to check it after 30 minutes. If they seem like they are getting too dark, place a piece of foil over the bars and continue baking.

Allow the bars to rest on the counter for at least 30 minutes before serving. kiwi allergic effects

If you want to serve the bars warm from the oven, the filling will not be fully set. We prefer these bars warm.

Not only it tastes good but also it is rich in Vitamin C and much more Vitamins and Minerals

If you want to refrigerate the bars and serve later, the filling will be fully set therefore, you can cut them into beautiful square pieces as many as you want and put a scoop of ice cream if you want to enjoy more.

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Difference between tomato puree and paste and sauce

Difference between tomato puree and paste and sauce

Difference between tomato puree and paste is the subject of this article, one of the most necessary things in every kitchen is tomato and its products such as tomato paste and sauce(ketchup).

Tomato paste and sauce maybe look the same but the only thing they have in common is both of them are made of tomato.

In this article, we will answer lots of questions and teach you how to cook tomato paste in your home.


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The difference between tomato puree and paste:

Tomato puree is a thick puree of cooked tomatoes that is less watery than tomato sauce. It can be used in place of tomato sauce or as a base to make your homemade sauce. When buying it from the store, the ingredients should include just tomatoes and salt without anything more.

Tomato paste is kind of easy, is concentrated tomatoes.

When you check the store, there are some kinds of packing like small cans, jars, or maybe tubes of tomato paste.


Is tomato paste healthy?

Whether you are cooking very often or not, tomato paste is one of the necessary things you should keep in your fridge.

It has a similar nutritional value to fresh tomatoes. Just a tablespoon of tomato paste is a good source of antioxidants and has 3 to 6 percent of recommended daily value of iron, potassium, and B vitamins.


Tomato paste versus sauce:

The only similarity between tomato paste and sauce is both of them are made of tomatoes.

Tomato paste taste is more concentrated, and it is much thicker in texture than sauce.

Difference between tomato puree and paste and sauce

Tomato paste recipe:


4.5 kg tomatoes

2 tablespoons olive oil

2 teaspoons sea salt

2 tablespoons lemon juice



Preheat the oven to 176°C. Arrange 2 racks to divide the oven.

Chop tomatoes into quarters.

Simmer the tomatoes with olive oil. Place the olive oil in a large pot over medium-high heat until bubbling. Add the tomatoes and cook until soft, and the peels begin to separate from the tomato flesh.

Pass the tomatoes through a food mill. Push the warm tomatoes through a food mill, sieve, or chinois to separate the tomato pulp from the seeds and skins.

Mix the sea salt and lemon juice

Place the pulp on two baking sheets. Divide the tomato pulp between 2 large, rimmed baking sheets.

Bake the tomato pulp until reduced to a paste. Place the baking sheets in the oven. Check the tomatoes every half hour, mix the paste, and switching the position of the baking sheets so that they reduce evenly. The paste will start to reduce to the point where it doesn’t fill the baking sheet anymore. At this point, combine the contents of the two baking sheets into one and continue to bake.

Bake until reduced by more than half. The paste is done when shiny, and reduced by more than half, 3 to 4 hours, though exact baking times will depend on the juiciness of your tomatoes. There shouldn’t be any remaining water or moisture separating from the paste at this point.

Transfer the paste into jars.


lettuce benefits and types - is lettuce a vegetable or fruit ?

lettuce benefits and types - is lettuce a vegetable or fruit ?

lettuce benefits and differant types information is provided in this article.

Do you know anything about lettuce benefits?

Do you know how many types of lettuce exists?

We will answer these questions and give you more information, and a brief explanation of the lettuce diet.


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Is Lettuce a Vegetable or Fruit?

It is maybe one of the questions you may ask yourself. When you see something new, and you don’t know which category is this.

One of them is lettuce, which we will tell you what category is that, vegetable or fruit.

Lettuce is a vegetable since it is an edible plant part.

Furthermore, does not grow from an ovary, which is the definition of a fruit. Every vegetable comes from the root, bulb, stem, leaves, tubers, and flowers of a plant. Therefore, lettuce would be known as a vegetable.


Lettuce types: 

There are many types of lettuce, which you can use for lots of foods like salads.

One of the most famous ones is Caesar salad, which is better to prepare with Romaine lettuce.

We will get you familiar whit the five most famous ones.


  • Crisphead lettuce
  • Romaine lettuce
  • Butterhead lettuce
  • Leaf lettuce
  • Stem lettuce


Lettuce needs moisture and airflow to stay crisp, but not too much. It depends on how long you would like to keep your lettuce; you can choose to store it as a full head of lettuce or individual lettuce leaves.

To store a full head of lettuce, wrap it in a paper towel, and put the head inside a plastic bag, now its good to put it in your refrigerator.


If you choose to store your lettuce with individual leaves, spin them dry after washing them and place them in a container. It is the best way to keep them fresh and put them in your refrigerator.


lettuce benefits and types - is lettuce a vegetable or fruit ?


lettuce Benefits :

Here we will inform you of 16 scientifically proven health benefits:

  • May Fight Inflammation
  • May Aid Weight Los
  • May Promote Brain Health
  • May Boost Heart Health
  • May Help Fight Cancer
  • May Cut Diabetes Risk
  • May Promote Vision Health
  • May Promote Digestive Health
  • May Help Treat Insomnia
  • May Enhance Bone Health
  • May Boost Immunity
  • May Be Good for Pregnancy
  • May Improve Muscle Strength and Metabolism
  • May Improve Skin and Hair Health
  • May Improve Skin and Hair Health
  • May Keep You Hydrated






Nutrition facts:


Nutrition Value per 100 gram lettuce
Energy14 kcalVitamin A25.00 μgNACalcium18.00 mg1%
Carbohydrates3 gVitamin B60.042mg3%Copper0.025 mg3%
sugars2 gVitamin C2.8 mg3%Iron0.41 mg2%
Dietary fiber1.2 gVitamin E0.18 mg1%Magnesium7.00 mg2%
Fat0.1 gVitamin K24.1 μg20%Potassium141.00 mg3%
Protein0.9 gVitamin D0.00 μg0%Sodium10.00 mg0%
Water95.64 gZinc0.15 mg1%





Is lettuce diet good?

Lettuce is one of the greens recommended to use in all types of diets, which are created by nutritionists. It is rich in potassium, fiber, vitamin C, and Iron.

But it is not the only thing your body needs, therefore it is not recommended to eat only lettuce as your meal.

The best way is to meet a nutritionist to consult with and follow the best plan for your body.






how to keep onions fresh - onion benefits and effect on hair

how to keep onions fresh - onion benefits and effect on hair

onion benefits , What is onion good for?

Does it have a positive effect on hair health?

Could onion extract cure scars?

We will answer these questions below.


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we export red onion

8 Benefits of Carrot Juice

onion varieties in iran – Onion Properties for Health – red onion exporter


Onion history:

Onions are one of the oldest cultivated vegetables in our history, originating in central Asia from where they spread across the whole world. Modern archeologists, botanists, and historians are unable to determine the exact time and place of their first cultivations because this vegetable is perishable, and its cultivation leaves little to no trace.


Onion and its effect on hair regrown:

Onions, always seen as a humble kitchen staple. It might sound surprising, but onion juice is also a home remedy for hair loss for those how to have hair loss.

The use of onion juice for hair regrowth has not been researched well.

One small study published in the Journal of Dermatology indicated that applying onion juice to the scalp might help hair regrow in some people.

Researchers found that hair growth started after two weeks of using onion juice, which was applied to the scalp twice a day.

Almost 74 percent of participants had some hair regrowth after four weeks, and at six weeks, about 87 percent experienced hair regrowth. Both males and females participated in the study, and the hair regrowth was higher among males.

Although the study did indicate positive results, it was a few participants with only 38.


Onion and its effect on beard growing:

Another question you may face is, is it useful for bear growing too?

The short answer is, Yes. as another onion benefits ,Onion juice or oil can help in the growth of facial hair. As you would know, the Onion boosts the levels of beard growth hormone testosterone. Onion juice or oil has a high sulfur content that promotes the growth phase of facial hair and also acts as the building block of beards. When applied to the skin Onion Juice promotes blood circulation that can promote beard growth.

However, applying onion juice or oil on your face will leave you smelling like onions all over unless you use vinegar or lemon.


Onion benefits:

Packed with Nutrients

May Benefit Heart Health

Loaded with Antioxidants

Contain Cancer-Fighting Compounds

Help Control Blood Sugar

May Boost Bone Density

Have Antibacterial Properties

May Boost Digestive Health

Easy to Add to Your Diet


how to keep onions fresh - onion benefits and effect on hair


Nutrition Facts:


Nutrition Value per 100 gram onion
Energy40 kcalVitamin A2.00 IU0%Calcium23.00 mg2%
Carbohydrates9.3 gVitamin B60.120mg9%Copper0.039 mg4%
sugars4.2 gVitamin C7.4 mg8%Iron0.21 mg1%
Dietary fiber1.7 gVitamin E0.02 mg0%Magnesium10.00 mg2%
Fat0.1 gVitamin K0.4 μg0%Manganese0.129 mg6%
Protein1.1 gPotassium146.00 mg3%
Water89.11 gSodium4.00 mg0%
Zinc0.17 mg2%



What is the best way to keep the Onions fresh:

As you would know Onions, stay good for up to 30 days if stored the right way (in a cool, dry, dark place but not in the fridge).

When the onion is chilled, the cold, humid temperatures in a refrigerator convert the starch to sugars, and onions become soft or soggy much faster. Plus, as you probably already know, they also skunk up your fridge and make everything smell or taste like onions, and of course, that would not be what you want.


is onion extract good for scars?

Over the past decade, lots of studies have shown that if you apply onion extract, two to three times a day for periods of three to six months significantly improves the appearance of postsurgical scars, adhesions, stretch marks, and hypertrophic scars.



health benefits or types of iranian cherry iran cherry introduction

Iranian cherry

Iranian Cherry’s info is provided here.

Cherry Iran 


Cherries are stone fruits with a central seed that is surrounded by fleshy fruit with a diameter of about 3cm. The Cherry fruit is a bright shiny red or purple color externally with very thin skin. The Iranian cherry fruit known as Gilas is native to Central Iran and grown in other regions too. Cherries were part of soldiers’ rations, and as they traveled, the pits they discarded became the trees that proliferated throughout the empire. There was a saying that to find the old Roman roads, all one had to do was follow the wild cherry trees. Most cherry species are native to the Northern Hemisphere, where they are widely grown. Some 10 to 12 species are recognized in North America and a similar number in Europe. The greatest concentration of species, however, appears to be in eastern Asia. The native habitat of the species from which the cultivated cherries came is believed to be western Asia and Eastern Europe from the Caspian Sea to the Balkans.

Iranian cherry

Iranian Cherry

Cherry fruit cultivation is widespread throughout Iran, and Turkey, the United States, and Iran are the largest producers of cherries in the world.

Cherry fruit harvest time will be late in June, and it will last for 70 to 80 days.

Types of cherries in Iran 

  • Mashhad begging cherry (Tak Daneh)
  • White Cherry of Urmia
  • Urmia red cherries
  • Qazvin Black Cherry

As well as red cherries of Neyshabur, Shahryar, Karaj, Lavasan, etc.

Packing for export 

Depending on the size or caliber, the cherries in Iran can be sorted and packaged manually or automatically. It can be packaged and exported in plastic baskets with different weights and in cartons inside Nano bags.

7 Health Benefits Of Cherries

It’s the cherry season again! They’re fresh, plentiful, beautiful, and delicious, but, you may be wondering if are cherries actually that good for you. The answer is yes, 100 times yes! Cherries are not only one of the healthiest fruits, they also rank as one of the most health-protective foods overall. One cup, or about 21 cherries, contains less than 100 calories and 15% of your daily vitamin C needs. But here are seven more reasons why this stone fruit is a nutritional all-star and an easy way to eat more cherries year-round

  • Cherries are full of antioxidants
  • They protect against diabetes
  • They promote healthy sleep
  • They can provide arthritis relief
  • They lower the risk of gout attacks and curb cholesterol-They reduce post-exercise pain


Cherry Nutrition Benefits 

One portion of cherries contains 97 calories, 25 grams of carbohydrates, and 20 grams of sugar.


One of the benefits of cherries is their fiber content. With 3 grams of fiber, cherries provide 13 percent of the recommended daily amount. Fiber promotes digestion, prevents constipation, and aids in weight loss.


Cherries contain 10.8 milligrams of Vitamin C. This vitamin is necessary for the collagen formation of bones, blood, muscle, and blood vessels and helps the body absorb iron. The fruit also contains beta carotene and provides low amounts of vitamin K, vitamin B-6, and vitamin A.


The potassium level of cherries is 342 milligrams or 10 percent of the daily recommended intake. Potassium helps the heart and kidneys function properly and supports the body’s digestive and muscular systems. Cherries also contain some copper, manganese, magnesium, iron, calcium, phosphorus, and zinc.

health benefits or types of iranian cherry iran cherry introduction

Health benefits of cherries – Iranian cherry benefits

 Iranian cherries facilitate weight loss

If you are planning to shed some weight, don’t forget to add cherries to your diet. Cherries are low in calories which means that around a cup of cherries would be less than 100 calories. They are rich in vitamins that strengthen your metabolism and have a moderate water content that flushes out the toxins from your body.

Iranian cherries promote healthy sleep

Tart cherries in particular are one of the few food sources of melatonin, a hormone that helps control your sleep-wake cycles. One study in men and women with insomnia found that compared to a placebo, eight ounces of tart cherry juice in the morning and again one to two hours before bed increased sleep time by an hour and 24 minutes.

cherries protect against diabetes

The anti-inflammatory effect of cherries helps keep your body healthy; but what’s more, cherries rank lower than many fruits on the glycemic index. That means they don’t trigger spikes and crashes in your blood sugar and insulin levels. This makes them both protective against diabetes and important for managing the condition if you already have it

cherries reduce post-exercise pain

In other words, cherries can make that post-HIIT workout soreness less intense. They also protect against cellular wear and tear from exercise and help support muscle recovery. For this reason, tart cherry juice is popular with professional and competitive athletes. But it can help anyone who’s regularly active.

Iranian cherries can provide arthritis relief

Several studies have suggested that cherry consumption is beneficial for osteoarthritis sufferers. Regularly incorporating cherries or 100% cherry juice into your meal or snack routine may help lessen your joint pain.

They lower the risk of gout attacks

Over eight million adults in the U.S. suffer from gout. This inflammatory arthritis is triggered when a waste product called uric acid crystallizes within the joints, causing excruciating pain and swelling. In one study, gout patients who consumed cherries for just two days (both the fresh fruit, as well as cherry extract and juice) showed a 35% lower risk of gout attacks compared to those who did not eat cherries.

They have Anti-Ageing Properties

Struggling with your dull and lifeless locks? Cherries contain Vitamin B, Vitamin, and Vitamin C that prevent hair damage and breakage and keep the scalp hydrated. Vitamin C also imparts a natural glow to your skin

They Promote Healthy Locks

Struggling with your dull and lifeless locks? Cherries contain Vitamin B, Vitamin, and Vitamin C that prevent hair damage and breakage and keep the scalp hydrated. Vitamin C also imparts a natural glow to your skin.

Annual Production in Iran: About  100,000 MT
Main Production Areas: Tehran, Azerbaijan, Qazvin, Khorasan, Alborz

Varieties: Tieton, Tartarian
Skin Color: Dark & Red
Inside-Color: Red
Taste: Sweet                                                                        Season: from Jun to August

Recommended Transit Temperature : 0 C
Desired Transit Humidity percent: 90 to 95

1.1 Kg (GW), 1 Kg (NW) : 25mm-30mm

Iran fresh fruit company 


what are water melon benefits ? what is the sweetest watermelon ?

what are watermelon benefits ? what is the sweetest watermelon ?

watermelon benefits and information is provided in this article.


we export watermelon

we export sweet lemon

we export pickled cucamber

how to keep onions fresh – onion benefits and effect on hair

cooking eggplant in 8 simple way


Which type of watermelon is the sweetest?

Crimson Sweet Watermelons. Sweet flesh with high sugar content. This watermelon is one of the most popular within the species.

Crimson type is an open-pollinated picnic-type heirloom variety.

This large, round cultivar weighs in at around 13-16 kg at harvest, and it has a light green peel with dark green stripes.

This watermelon’s flesh is dark red and firm, with a fine texture and tiny seeds.

Crimson Sweet contains a high amount of sugar, contributing to its delicious sweet flavor


Is watermelon fruit or vegetable?

It all depends on who you are asking. If you talk to a botanist, they will say that watermelon is a fruit because it develops from the plant’s ovary after flowering and holds the seeds. A vegetable is something eaten from other parts of a plant, like spinach leaves or carrots.

It is interesting if you ask anyone in Oklahoma, they will tell you it is a vegetable. The state even declared the watermelon its official vegetable in 2007.

The watermelon is a member of the cucumber family known as the Cucurbitaceae, which includes gourds. They’re grown like a vegetable crop using vegetable production systems.

Dr. Lynn Brandenberger, a horticulturist at Oklahoma State University, believes that there can be some crossover when it comes to the classification of fruits and vegetables. It’s not clear cut.


How to keep the watermelon :

Keep whole the watermelon on the counter for the best flavor. USDA research demonstrated that storage at room temp may even help keep the antioxidants better intact. Once you cut it, store it in the refrigerator for up to 3 to 4 days.


Watermelon Benefits:

Helps You Hydrate

Contains Nutrients and Beneficial Plant Compounds

Contains Nutrients and Beneficial Plant Compounds

May Improve Heart Health

May Lower Inflammation and Oxidative Stress

May Help Prevent Macular Degeneration

May Help Relieve Muscle Soreness

Is Good for Skin and Hair

Can Improve Digestion


Watermelon Amazing effects on skin and hair:

Two vitamins in watermelon A and C, are essential for skin and hair health.

Vitamin C helps your body make collagen, which is a protein that keeps your skin soft and your hair strong.

Vitamin A is also necessary for healthy skin since it helps create and repair skin cells. Without enough vitamin A, your skin can look dry.


Watermelon extract benefits:

In a 2012 study, researchers demonstrate that watermelon extract could reduce blood pressure in and around the ankles of middle-aged people with obesity and early hypertension. The authors suggested that

L-citrulline and L-arginine, two of the antioxidants in watermelon, may improve the function of the blood vessels.


what are water melon benefits ? what is the sweetest watermelon ?


Nutrition Facts:

Nutrition Value per 100 gram watermelon
Energy30 kcalVitamin A569.00 IU11%Calcium7.00 mg1%
Carbohydrates7.6 gVitamin B60.045mg3%Copper0.042 mg5%
sugars6.2 gVitamin C8.1 mg9%Iron0.24 mg1%
Dietary fiber0.4 gVitamin E0.05 mg0%Magnesium10.00 mg2%
Fat0.2 gVitamin K0.1 μg0%Manganese0.038 mg2%
Protein0.6 gPotassium112.00 mg2%
Water91.45 gSodium1.00 mg0%
Zinc0.10 mg1%


Should it be bought organic?

Thanks to the watermelon’s thick rind, pesticides cannot get to the inner flesh, so it is safe to buy the non-organic versions. Watermelon is an amazing source of water. It is 92 percent water, but the flesh is also packed with significant levels of vitamins A, B6, and C.



Now we want to teach you how to make watermelon drink very easily



1 small sweet watermelon

1 small lime, juiced (of course it is optional)



Slice the watermelon in half. Using a big spoon, scoop chunks of sweet watermelon into the blender.

Blend the watermelon until it is completely pureed. This shouldn’t take more than a minute. For extra flavor, squeeze the juice of one small lime into the blender and blend for a few seconds, it would be better with lime juice.

If your watermelon is pulpy or seeded, pour the mixture through a fine-mesh strainer into a pitcher. If not, you can pour it directly into glasses.

It is better to drink it cold with ice cubes.

Watermelon juice will keep in the refrigerator, covered, for up to 4 days.



One unusual and easy dessert is watermelon and cucumber salsa.

The combination of watermelon and cucumber may sound unusual, but it tastes anything but! Eat the salsa with chips, or serve it as a topper with hot dogs or chicken tacos for a refreshing change of pace.


strawberry cake

Strawberry pie & juice recipe & ...

Strawberry pie & juice recipe + different types of strawberries + how to plant

strawberry types & strawberry pie recipe information is provided here.

Is it strawberry fruit or vegetable?

How do strawberries are grown?

We are here to answer these questions and lots of others and give you lots of information about this tiny delicious fruit. Strawberry pie & juice recipe & …

we export strawberry

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8 Benefits of lime water for health and weight loss

What you should know about the strawberries:

Strawberries are so varied they only need sun, shelter, and fertility. Avoid areas prone to frost and soils that had previously grown potatoes, chrysanthemums, or tomatoes because they are all prone to the disease of verticillium wilt.

How to plant strawberries:

Prepare your ground by digging in two buckets of well-rotted manure or garden compost per square meter. Add a general-purpose fertilizer such as Grow More at 100g per square meter.

Measure out planting holes 35cm apart. Space rows 75cm apart. Dig out a hole large enough to accommodate the roots. Trim the roots lightly to 10cm if necessary, then spread them out in the hole. Ensure that the base of the crown rests lightly on the surface before firming in gently. Planting at the correct depth is important. If the strawberry seed is planted not enough depth the plants will dry out and die. Water the plants in the well.

If planting in the autumn or early spring, remove the first flush of flowers of perpetual strawberries but remove flowers of summer strawberries only if the plants are weak.

If you’ve planted cold-stored runners in late spring to early summer, leave the flowers on. These will produce strawberries in 60 days, reverting to their natural cropping period the following year.

Strawberries are traditionally grown in rows directly into garden soil. In poor soils grow in raised beds, which improves drainage and increases rooting depth. Alternatively, try growing in containers or growing bags.

Covering the strawberry plant:

Protecting strawberry plants from winter’s cold temperatures is vital to ensure a crop of juicy berries next year.

When winter has arrived, strawberry plants have already set blossoms for next spring’s flowers. Temperatures below -9.5 can damage those new tiny blossoms and diminish your berry crop next year. This is why it’s vital to cover the strawberry plants and protect them from the cold air.

Another reason to protect plants is that when soil repeatedly freezes and melts, it tends to push plants up. This process is called heaving and puts plants at risk.

Preparing strawberry plants for the winter involves fertilizer over plants so they’re not exposed to the cold winter air. Strawberry pie & juice recipe & …

To winterize strawberry plants, heap a loose mulch over plants to a depth of 7.6 to 12.5 centimeters. Strawberry pie & juice recipe & …


 Is it strawberry fruit or vegetable?

One question we are always asking ourselves is what berries are.

Berries are fruits that originate from one flower with one ovary, which has lots of seeds. Surprisingly, strawberries and blueberries are not berries at all. Bananas, eggplants, tomatoes, and pomegranates are berries. And all berries are fruits. To conclude that is clear that strawberry is not a vegetable.

strawberry types :

Summer-fruiting varieties:

have the largest fruit. They have a short but heavy cropping period over two or three weeks. There are early, mid-, and late fruiting cultivars cropping from early to mid-summer.

Perpetual strawberries:

sometimes called ever bearers – produce small flashes of fruits from early summer to early autumn. The crops are not so heavy as the summer-fruiting ones and the fruits are smaller, with the plants less likely to produce runners. Perpetual strawberries are useful for extending the season.


Nutrition Facts:

You can also check strawberry nutrition facts in the table below:

Nutrition Value per 100 g strawberry
Energy32 kcalVitamin A12.00 IU0%Calcium16.00 mg1%
Carbohydrates7.7 gVitamin B60.047 mg4%Copper0.048 mg5%
sugars4.9 gVitamin C58.8 mg65%Iron0.41 mg2%
Dietary fiber2 gVitamin E0.29 mg1%Magnesium13.00 mg3%
Total Fat0.3 gVitamin K2.2 μg2%Manganese0.386 mg17%
Protein0.7 gPotassium153 mg3%
Water90.95 gSodium1.00 mg0%

Strawberry Pie recipe:

Now we want to teach you how to cook a delicious homemade strawberry pie.



2 ½ cups all-purpose flour

½ cup frozen strawberries

1 teaspoon salt

1 tablespoon granulated sugar

14 tablespoons cold unsalted butter, cut into cubes

Ice cold water

1 large egg, beaten with 1 tablespoon milk for egg wash

Sugar powder for sprinkling


5-6 cups fresh strawberries

Zest and juice of a 1/2 lemon

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

1/4 teaspoon almond extract

½ cup granulated sugar

1/3 cup brown sugar

¼ cup cornstarch

a pinch of salt

¼ teaspoon ground ginger


  1. Prepare ½ cup ice-cold water and keep it in the fridge. In a food processor, pulse flour, dried strawberries, sugar, and salt. Add in half of the butter and pulse for 30 seconds. Add in the rest of the butter and pulse until the mixture looks like a coarse meal.
  2. Pour about 6 tablespoons of cold water over the mixture and pulse until the dough comes together in a fist. If dry, add a little bit more water (1 tablespoon at a time) until the dough comes together.
  3. Remove the dough from the processor and bring it together. Divide dough into two parts; one slightly bigger than the other and wrap it in plastic wrap. Chill for at least an hour or, it is better overnight.
  4. Let stand at room temperature for a few minutes before rolling out.
  5. Roll out a larger disk on a lightly floured surface to a large circle. Fit into an ungreased 9-inch pie dish, trim the edges leaving an inch or two overhangs. Refrigerate for 30 minutes.
  6. In a medium bowl, toss the strawberries with zest and lemon juice, vanilla extract, and almond extract. Toss in sugars, cornstarch, salt, and ground ginger then make sure strawberries are well covered, and cornstarch disappears. Let sit for at least 10 minutes.
  7. Spoon the strawberries into the pie crust, making sure you pile it high in the center.
  8. Roll out the second dough and cut it into strips to create a lattice top. If you have a pastry wheel, it is perfect for this.
  9. Crimp the edges of the strips with a fork.
  10. Whisk egg and 1 tablespoon milk in a small bowl. Brush the top of the pie with egg wash and then sprinkle with sugar. Chill for 15-30 minutes.
  11. Preheat oven to 190 degrees Celsius. Place the pie dish on a baking sheet and bake for 50-60 minutes or until the crust is golden brown and the filling is bubbly.
  12. Let pie cool for at least 2-3 hours before serving.
  13. The last step is to enjoy this satisfying pie.

Strawberry juice:

Another recipe, which is healthy and easy to make is strawberry juice.

It also is full of Vitamin C and antioxidants.

Preparation time: 5 minutes


2 cups ripe strawberries

A quarter lime juice, which is optional

1 tablespoon sugar, which is optional too

2 ice cubes

Half of a strawberry



  1. Wash strawberries, then remove the stem and cut them into small pieces.
  2. Add strawberries, sugar, and lime juice into a blender.
  3. Blend the mix until it becomes a puree. add water and blend again for a minute.
  4. Place a mesh strainer over a large container and pour prepared juice over it to remove the foam results during blending.
  5. Add one ice cube to each of the glasses and pour sweet and sour fresh strawberry fruit juice over it.

Iran Fresh Fruit Company 

what is fiber ? and how much fiber is in an apple ?

what is fiber ? and how much fiber is in an apple ?

how much fiber is in an apple? we are going to answer this question for you.

Do apples have fiber?

On top of their energy-revving carb, health-promoting antioxidant, and immunity-fostering vitamin C content, the magic of apples also comes from a different source: their fiber. What’s so special about this macronutrient? Besides helping us to stay “regular,” dietary fiber is also a powerful hunger zapper. By filling you up, slowing the rate at which you digest the rest of your food, and keeping your blood sugar levels stable which maintains more consistent energy levels high-fiber foods keep your hunger pangs from creeping up as often, which can significantly aid weight loss efforts.
As a bonus, certain fibers can cling to dietary toxins, including cholesterol, and help eliminate them from your body. The result? A lower risk of heart disease and a longer life! Although immensely beneficial, apples aren’t the only way you can improve regularity and satiety to help blast fat. We’ve found several unsung superfoods that pack even more of this belly-flattening nutrient than an apple.
Fiber is incredibly important. It leaves your stomach undigested and ends up in your colon, where it feeds friendly gut bacteria, leading to various health benefits. certain types of fiber may also promote weight loss, lower blood sugar levels, and fight constipation. the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics recommends consuming about 14 grams of fiber for every 1,000 calories you consume daily. This translates to roughly 24 grams of fiber for women and 38 grams for men.
Unfortunately, an estimated 95% of American adults and children don’t meet the recommended daily fiber intake. In America, the average daily fiber intake is estimated to be 16.2 grams.

What is fiber

Fiber is a blanket term that applies to any type of carbohydrate that your body can’t digest. The fact your body doesn’t use fiber for fuel doesn’t make it less valuable to your overall health.
We can offer the following benefits when you consume it :
• Reducing cholesterol: Fiber’s presence in the digestive tract can help reduce the body’s cholesterol absorption. This is especially true if you take statins, which are medications to lower cholesterol, and use fiber supplements like psyllium fiber.
• Promoting a healthy weight: High-fiber foods like fruits and vegetables tend to be lower in calories. Also, fiber’s presence can slow digestion in the stomach to help you feel fuller for longer.
• Adding bulk to the digestive tract: Those who struggle with constipation or a generally sluggish digestive tract may wish to add fiber to their diet. Fiber naturally adds bulk to the digestive tract, as your body doesn’t digest it. This stimulates the intestines.
• Promoting blood sugar control: It can take your body longer to break down high-fiber foods. This helps you maintain more consistent blood sugar levels, which is especially helpful for those with diabetes.
• Reducing gastrointestinal cancer risk: Eating enough fiber can have protective effects against certain cancer types, including colon cancer. There are many reasons for this, including that some types of fiber, such as the pectin in apples, may have antioxidant-like properties.

Fiber offers many health benefits, but it’s important to incorporate fiber-containing foods gradually over a few days to avoid adverse effects, such as bloating and gas. Drinking plenty of water while you up your fiber intake may also help keep these symptoms at bay.

Here are some high-fiber foods that are both healthy and satisfying :

how much fiber is in an apple? Apples have 2.4 grams of fiber

Apples are not only an easily portable snack, but they’re also powerful fat fighters. doctors say that they’re a great snack for people with diabetes and insulin resistance because of their high fiber content, which will help to slow blood sugar spikes. Oh, be sure to leave the skin on. Without doing so, you’ll only consume a mere 2.1 grams of dietary fiber for the same-sized apple. Apples are among the tastiest and most satisfying fruits you can eat. They are also relatively high in fiber. We especially like them in salads(in some countries).
Fiber content: 4.4 grams in a medium-sized, raw apple, or 2.4 grams per 100 grams.

what is fiber ? and how much fiber is in an apple ?

Raspberries have 6.5 grams of fiber

raspberries are highly nutritious with a very strong flavor. They’re loaded with vitamin C and manganese. Try blending some into this raspberry tarragon dressing.
Fiber content: One cup of raw raspberries contains 8 grams of fiber or 6.5 grams per 100 grams.

Bananas have 2.6 grams fiber

bananas are a good source of many nutrients, including vitamin C, vitamin B6, and potassium.
A green or unripe banana also contains a significant amount of resistant starch, a type of indigestible carbohydrate that functions like fiber. Try them in a nut butter sandwich for a hit of protein, too.
Fiber content: 3.1 grams in a medium-sized banana, or 2.6 grams per 100 grams.

Dark chocolates have 10.9 grams of fiber

dark chocolate is arguably one of the world’s most delicious foods. It’s also surprisingly high in nutrients and one of the most antioxidant- and nutrient-rich foods on the planet. Just make sure to choose dark chocolate that has a cocoa content of 70–95% or higher and avoid products that are loaded with added sugar.
Fiber content: 3.1 grams in a 1-ounce piece of 70–85% cacao, or 10.9 grams per 100 grams.


Popcorn has 14.4 grams of fiber

If your goal is to increase your fiber intake, popcorn may be the best snack you can eat. Air-popped popcorn is very high in fiber, calories for calories. However, if you add a lot of fat, the fiber-to-calorie ratio will decrease significantly.
Fiber content: 1.15 grams per cup of air-popped popcorn, or 14.4 grams per 100 grams.

Strawberries have 2 grams of fiber

strawberries are a delicious, healthy option that can be eaten fresh. Interestingly, they’re also among the most nutrient-dense fruits you can eat, boasting loads of vitamin C, manganese, and various powerful antioxidants. Try some in this banana strawberry smoothie.
Fiber content : 3 grams in 1 cup of fresh strawberries, or 2 grams per 100 grams.
Avocado has 6.7 grams of fiber
The avocado is a unique fruit. Instead of being high in carbs, it’s loaded with healthy fats. Avocados are very high in vitamin C, potassium, magnesium, vitamin E, and various B vitamins. They also have numerous health benefits. Try them in one of these delicious avocado recipes.
Fiber content: 10 grams in 1 cup of raw avocado, or 6.7 grams per 100 grams.

Iran Fresh Fruit company 

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